Деннис О'Нил - автор 32 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Черная месса, Бэтмен. Темный рыцарь, Batman: Shaman. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.
Джеймс Уайти Балджер, один из самых жестоких гангстеров в истории Соединенных Штатов, сумел добиться небывалого могущества. Молодой агент Джон Коннолли, восходящая звезда бостонского отделения ФБР, предложил Балджеру покровительство в обмен на сотрудничество. Однако никто не защитил Бостон от Уайти Балджера, кровавого убийцы, который сосредоточил в своих руках весь наркотрафик в городе, оставив за...
На ночном небе Готэм-Сити каждую ночь появляется изображение летучей мыши - знак Бэтмена. Все, кто хоть раз видел его, уже не могли забыть: в одних он вселял веру и надежду; в других - страх, который заставлял трепетать и оглядываться, когда они шли на свои темные криминальные дела. Бэтмен продолжает войну с преступностью, вдохновляя жителей Готэма на добро. Но жители Готэма - толпа. Как извест...
A young Batman must use his developing skills as a detective to track down a murderous impersonator and is led down a trail filled with Native North American mysticism. This hair-raising adventure reveals the genesis of Bruce Wayne's identity as Batman and the origin of the Bat Cave.
Величайший в мире сыщик, искусный боец, гроза преступного мира, легенда и надежда простых людей Готама - Темный Рыцарь Бэтмен вступает в смертельную схватку со своим заклятым врагом. Дамы-господа прячьтесь по домам! Джокер - маньяк-психопат с изуродованным белым лицом, самый страшный и коварный преступник, с которым Бэтмен когда-либо сталкивался, решил прибрать к рукам весь город...
Городу Бэтмена угрожают два страшных преступника: эксцентричный и зловещий Пингвин и грациозная и таинственная Женщина-Кошка. Сможет ли Бэтмен справиться с двумя грозными противниками одновременно? Тем более что один из них намерен стать мэром, а другая испытывает романтическое влечение к Темному Рыцарю. Захватывающее приключение, от которого замирает сердце!
Dick briefly considers retiring from being Nightwing forever before family papers uncovered by Alfred reveal a possible link between the murder of the Flying Graysons and the Crown Prince of Kravia.
Nightwing is captured.
Nightwing escapes back to Gotham, while learning his parents' true connection to the Prince.
This special 244-page limited edition includes 5 hand-signed, archival-quality giclee prints by Dave Dorman, Sam Kieth, Mike Mignola, Frank Quitely, and Ryan Sook, as well as 40 exclusive artworks and 50 extra pages showing artists' processes and sketches. Star Wars and sequential art share a long history: Star Wars debuted on the comic-book page in 1977, when Marvel Comics began publishin...
Journeying to Kravia, Nightwing (in his third costume) finds that the Kravian leader is muderous and must prevent an ethnic cleansing that is taking place.
This volume collects GREEN LANTERN from the early 1970s, featuring classic team-ups written by Dennis O'Neil with art by Neal Adams!In these stories, Green Lantern Hal Jordan continued his usual cosmic-spanning adventures, as he used his amazing Power Ring to police Sector 2814 against universe-threatening menaces. Meanwhile, on Earth, Oliver Queen, the archer known as Green Arrow, was confro...
It is an overview of Bruce Wayne's early life, including his parents murder, his time spent traveling and training throughout the world, and his return to Gotham City to become Batman Decades later, the story became the structural basis for Batman Begins, which rebooted the Batman film franchise in 2005.
Dennis O'Neil introduces Dick Grayson's brand new costume and career in Nightwing's first solo series! Nightwing flies solo as Dick Grayson uncovers new facts about the murder of his parents--evidence suggesting there was far more to their deaths than he ever suspected. But shadowy forces have strong reasons for keeping the truth buried and send assassins to silence him forever.
In the final chapter of this series, Bruce Wayne completes his improbable recovery from his broken back and is ready to resume his role as Gotham's protector. But Jean Paul Valley, the man who now patrols the night as a vicious and violent Batman, is not willing to give up his new identity. Driven to the brink of madness by inner demons, the new Batman seeks to destroy Bruce as they meet in m...
This paperback collects the Batman: Sword of Azrael storyline which was written by Dennis O'Neil and illustrated by Joe Quesada and Kevin Nowlan. It was published from October, 1992 to January, 1993 in its own comic book mini-series Batman: Sword of Azrael. The series introduces Azrael, who becomes a prominent figure in the Knightfall crossover.
Question epitaph for a hero
One of the most intriguing comic book heroes of the 1980s was DC's The Question, the faceless, morally conflicted avenger based in corrupt Hub City, whose adventures were written by longtime Batman writer Dennis O'Neil. An expert in martial arts, The Question also delved into Eastern philosophy while taking on crime and crooked politicians. Secrets of the Question's past are reve...
Peter Parker's always had the worst luck, but Spider-Man's a hit with the ladies in his latest round of adventures! The Black Cat is back, and her love-hate relationship with Spidey is heating up. Dazzler disco dances with our hero in an early appearance not to be missed. She's not only mutant caught in Spidey's web; Mesmero is back, courtesy Dennis O'Neil. Then, an all-ti...
Batman, Green Lantern, and Green Arrow take on an array of archvillains, from a bloodthirsty dictator to an assassin.
Batman's moodiest thrillers, from the early days of his crimefighting career, are collected in this new volume. Included are "Masks, " a tale of vengeance in which Batman nealy loses his grip on reality; "Images, " chronicling the Dark Knight's first encounter with the Joker.
A collection of the three DEMON tales, each story explores the connection between Batman and the villain Ra's al Ghul. The first tale focuses on the two teaming up and a union between the Dark Knight and Talia al Ghul; the second focuses on Ra's attempting to father a heir; and the third explores the real story behind the seemingly immortal villain and his motivation for world domination...
The Question tackles urban renewal with violent results. One of the most intriguing comic book heroes of the 1980s was DC's The Question: the faceless, morally conflicted avenger based in corrupt Hub City, whose adventures were written by long-time Batman writer Dennis O'Neil. An expert in martial arts, The Question also delved into Eastern philosophy while taking on crime and crooked politicians....
Investigative reporter Vic Sage-- the faceless, morally conflicted avenger known as The Question-- tracks a killer to a distant island prison and becomes involved with a gambling crimelord.
Created by comics legend Steve Ditko, the faceless avenger known as The Question is one of comics' most mysterious and fascinating heroes!In the corrupt, crime-ridden Hub City, investigative reporter Vic Sage strives to tell his viewers the truth - and philosophical, trenchcoated hero The Question, whose face is a featureless blank - uncovers what Sage cannot. But with deadly martial artist assass...