A collection of the three DEMON tales, each story explores the connection between Batman and the villain Ra's al Ghul. The first tale focuses on the two teaming up and a union between the Dark Knight and Talia al Ghul; the second focuses on Ra's attempting to father a heir; and the third explores the real story behind the seemingly immortal villain and his motivation for world domination. Книга «Batman: Birth of the Demon» авторов Деннис О'Нил, Mike W. Barr оценена посетителями КнигоГи...
A collection of the three DEMON tales, each story explores the connection between Batman and the villain Ra's al Ghul. The first tale focuses on the two teaming up and a union between the Dark Knight and Talia al Ghul; the second focuses on Ra's attempting to father a heir; and the third explores the real story behind the seemingly immortal villain and his motivation for world domination. Книга «Batman: Birth of the Demon» авторов Деннис О'Нил, Mike W. Barr оценена посетителями КнигоГид, и её читательский рейтинг составил 8.80 из 10.
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