Owen Jones - автор 56 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Ornament and Design of the Alhambra, Chavs: The Demonization of the Working Class, Examples of Chinese Ornament: Selected from Objects in the South Kensington Museum and Other Collections. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.
The late war in China, and the Ti-ping rebellion, by the destruction and sacking of many public buildings, has caused the introduction to Europe of a great number of truly magnificent works of Ornamental Art, of a character which had been rarely seen before that period, and which are remarkable, not only for the perfection and skill shown in the technical processes, but also for the beauty and har...
Amid the rugged natural beauty of southern Spain's Sierra Nevada mountain range stands the Alhambra, one of the world's great architectural gems. The grand medieval palace arose in the fourteenth century, and it remains a peerless example of Moorish art that developed in a European setting, apart from direct Byzantine influence. This splendid volume ventures inside the stone walls, gates...
First published in 1856, The Grammar of Ornament remains a design classic. Its inspiration came from the pioneering architect and designer Owen Jones. His observations of decorative art on his extensive travels in Europe and the Near East were employed to improve the poor quality of British design. He increasingly disapproved of the Victorian habit of mixing elements from a wide variety of sources...
Lek was born the eldest child of four in a typical rice farming family. She did not expect to do anything any different from the other girls in her class in the northern rice belt of Thailand.Typically that would be: work in the fields for a few years; have a few babies; give them to mum to take care of and back to work until her kids had their own children and she could stop working to take care ...
Many people believe that anger in the population of the world as a whole is increasing at an alarming rate. There are various reasons proposed, some of which are: violence on the television and in films; chemicals and E-numbers in processed food; crop spraying; chem-trails from aircraft; alcohol and substance abuse; a decrease in self-control; reduced belief in God; lack of respect for traditional...
एक्ने दुनिया भर में करोडों लोगों की समस्या है, और उनमें से अधिकांश लोग युवा हैं और इस उलझन, और यहां तक कि अपराधबोध और शर्म से निपटने के लिए भावनात्मक रूप से तैयार नहीं होते हैं, और अक्सर उन्हें इस बारे में सताया भी जाता है, अक्सर एक्ने के प्रकोप के साथ यह सब भी जुड़ा हुआ होता है। इस पुस्तिका में निहित ज्ञान आपको एक्ने से निपटने में मदद करेगा। एक्ने दुनिया भर में करोडों लोगों की समस्या है, और उन...
හනග ට හදසයම අමත හඟමක දනනනට පටන ගත බවන, ඔහ තම නනදණය වන, එම පරදශය කටටඩය බමට යය. ඇය පරකෂණ කහපයක සද කර හනගට රධරය නමත බව තරණය කරය, නමත ඔහ ඔහග පව අයට ඒ බව කස පවසනනද? ඔවන ඒ ගන කමක කරන ඇතද?හනග යන ඕසය දශ සමවට ඉත ආසනනව උතර තයනතය චය රයට ඊසන දසන දෂකර කඳකර පදසක ජවතව එළවන ඇතදඩ කරනනව කනක. එය සම කනකම එකනකව ඉත හදන දනන තදන බඳණ පරජවක. හනගට හදසයම අසනප වන අතර, නමත එය එළවනව කම සඳහ ගනයමට අසර අනදම අසනපයක නවන නස, එක දනක ඔ...
Miljoenen mensen over de hele wereld worden door acne geplaagd. De meesten onder hen zijn jong en emotioneel nog niet sterk genoeg om zich te wapenen tegen de schaamte en soms zelfs het schuldgevoel of de afkeer, tot aan pesten toe, die maar al te vaak met een uitbraak van acne gepaard gaan. De informatie in dit boek zal je helpen om met acne om te gaan.Miljoenen mensen over de hele wereld worden ...
Jerawat adalah penyakit ratusan juta orang di seluruh dunia, yang mana kebanyakan adalah para muda-mudi yang tidak siap secara emosional untuk menghadapi rasa malu, dan sering juga mengalami intimidasi yang sering menyertai wabah penyakit. jerawat. Pengetahuan yang terkandung dalam buklet ini akan membantu Anda mengatasi jerawat, Lebih buruknya lagi adalah bekas jerawat di wajah yang menyedihkan, ...
A dying man recounts the story of the most amazing person he has ever met, a brilliant, Soviet linguist whom he calls Youriko. It is a tale of love, daring-do, spies and danger set in Japan, Germany, Turkey, the USA, Canada and the UK, but mostly in the Soviet Union of the Seventies.Two girls, born thousands of miles apart in Kazakhstan and Japan just after World War II, meet and are like peas in ...
Lek begins to wonder whether everything that she had hoped for for fifteen years was all worth it now that she had achieved her goals.Lek was born the eldest child of four in a typical rice farming family. She did not expect to do anything any different from the other girls in her class in the northern rice belt of Thailand.Typically that would be: work in the fields for a few years; have a few ba...
Excursia anuală cu școala o duce pe Megan și colegii săi la o rețea de peșteri care erau folosite ca locuințe de triburile preistorice. Megan este sigură că prin folosirea puterilor sale psihice poate obține mai multe cunoștințe despre ceea ce s-a întâmplat cu adevărat în acel timp îndepărtat, decât ceea ce le spunea ghidul.Megan este o adolescentă în vârstă de 13 ani care are puteri psihice pe ca...
Megan er en psykisk tenåring som ikke kan finne noen som kan hjelpe henne med å forstå kreftene sine…ingen som lever kan gjøre det.Beskrivelse av Misforståelsen.“Misforståelsen” er en novelle om en ung jentes voksende forståelse av at hun er i stand til å gjøre å forstå ting som ingen i hennes familie kan. Noen av skolekameratene hennes sier dem også har slike evner.Jentas navn er Megan, hun er to...
W ramach corocznej wycieczki szkolnej Megan i jej znajomi z klasy udadzą się do jaskiń, które zamieszkiwały niegdyś prehistoryczne plemiona. Dziewczynka jest pewna, że pozna więcej szczegółów na temat tego miejsca, niż ma ich do przekazania przewodnik. Mają jej w tym pomóc zdolności medium.Megan jest trzynastolatką, która uświadamia sobie, że ma nadprzyrodzony dar. Z początku próbowała porozmawiać...
„A treisprezecea aniversare a lui Megan” este al doilea volum din cele douăzeci și trei ale seriei Megan. Este ziua de naștere a lui Megan, o adolescentă cu puteri psihice, iar pentru a celebra intrarea ei în adolescență, părinții ei organizează o mare petrecere pentru ea. Familia și prietenii sunt invitați la această importantă ocazie unde eroul ei DJ-ul local Jack Hammer va pune muzică. Se între...
In Daddy's Hobby, volume one, Lek met a man, Craig, who actually did come back for her, and then took her home to meet his mother. Her dreams seem to be coming true, but not everything is running as smoothly as they had both hoped, so will she wake up and be back in the nightmare she thought she had just put behind her?In Daddy's Hobby, Craig had promised Lek an exciting future, if she threw cauti...
Heng Lee se je nenadoma začel počutiti precej nenavadno, zato se je naročil pri lokalni zdravilki, ki je čisto slučajno njegova teta. Opravila je nekaj testov in ugotovila, da Heng nima krvi. Kako bo to sporočil svoji družini in kaj bodo glede tega ukrenili?Heng Lee je kozji pastir v oddaljenih gorah Chiang Raia, na severnem Tajskem, zelu blizu meje z Laosom. Gre za tesno povezano skupnost, kjer s...
Хэнг Ли внезапно начинает чувствовать себя очень странно, поэтому он звонит, чтобы увидеть местного шамана, который оказывается его тетей. Она проводит несколько анализов и решает, что у Хэнга нет крови, но как он расскажет своей семье и что они будут с этим делать?Хенг Ли – пастух коз в отдаленных горах к северо-востоку от Чианграя на севере Таиланда, очень близко к границе с Лаосом. Это сплоченн...
„Megan slaví třinácté narozeniny“ je druhý díl z dvaceti tří v Sérii o Megan. Dívce Megan s paranormálními vjemy bude třináct, a na oslavu jejího vkročení mezi dospívající pro ni rodiče uspořádají velkou oslavu. Na tu velkou událost je sezvána rodina i přátelé, a její idol, Jack Hammer, tam má pouštět hudbu. Megan přemýšlí, jestli si někdo všimne obrovského ducha její sibiřské tygřice jménem Vrr, ...
L’acne è un flagello per centinaia di milioni di persone in tutto il mondo. La maggior parte di esse sono giovani e non emotivamente preparate ad affrontare l’imbarazzo, addirittura il senso colpa e la vergogna, e spesso anche il bullismo, che troppo spesso seguono la comparsa dell’acne.Le informazioni contenute in questo manuale ti aiuteranno a gestire l’acne.L’acne è un flagello per centinaia di...
El acné es la plaga de cientos de millones de personas en todo el mundo, y la mayoría de esas personas son jóvenes y están mal preparadas emocionalmente para hacer frente a la vergüenza, incluso a la culpa y la vergüenza, y a menudo también a la intimidación, que con demasiada frecuencia acompañan a un brote de acné. El conocimiento contenido en este folleto le ayudará a enfrentar el acné, El acné...
เฮง ลี เริ่มรู้สึกแปลก ๆ สำหรับเรื่องราวทั้งหมดที่เกิดขึ้นอย่างกะทันหัน ทันใดนั้นเอง เขาจึงได้ไปหารือกับหมอผีในพื้นที่ ซึ่งก็คือป้าของเขานั่นเอง เธอทำการทดสอบสองสามครั้ง และพิจารณาแล้วว่าเฮงไม่มีเลือด แต่เขาก็ไม่รู้จะบอกกับครอบครัวว่ายังไงดี และพวกเขาจะทำยังไงกันต่อไปเฮง ลี เป็นคนเลี้ยงแพะซึ่งอยู่ในพื้นที่ภูเขาที่ห่างไกลออกไปทางทิศตะวันออกเฉียงเหนือของจังหวัดเชียงรายในประเทศไทย ซึ่งอยู่ติดกับชายแด...
Многие считают, что население планеты в целом все больше подвержено гневу. Причины этого называют различные, к примеру: насилие в телепрограммах и фильмах; химикаты и пищевые добавки в продуктах; удобрения; выбросы самолетов; употребление алкоголя и наркотиков; ослабление самоконтроля; потеря веры в Бога; отсутствие уважения к традиционным авторитетам и многое другое.Чтобы лучше понять причины эмо...