Ююко Такэмия (яп. 竹宮ゆゆこТакэмия Ююко) — японская писательница, автор «лёгких новелл» (ранобэ) и манги. В литературе Ююко Такэмия дебютировала в сентябре 2004 года серией ранобэ Watashitachi no Tamura-kun (яп. わたしたちの田村 Наш Тамура-кун). Первый том романа был опубликован осенью 2004 года журналом Dengeki HP, а позднее он и его продолжение Watashitachi no Tamura-kun 2 выходили уже в виде отдельных книг. Но наибольший успех Ююко Такэмии принесла её следующая работа: серия ранобэ Торадора! (яп. とらドラ! Т...
Ююко Такэмия (яп. 竹宮ゆゆこТакэмия Ююко) — японская писательница, автор «лёгких новелл» (ранобэ) и манги. В литературе Ююко Такэмия дебютировала в сентябре 2004 года серией ранобэ Watashitachi no Tamura-kun (яп. わたしたちの田村 Наш Тамура-кун). Первый том романа был опубликован осенью 2004 года журналом Dengeki HP, а позднее он и его продолжение Watashitachi no Tamura-kun 2 выходили уже в виде отдельных книг. Но наибольший успех Ююко Такэмии принесла её следующая работа: серия ранобэ Торадора! (яп. とらドラ! ТораДора!), первый том которой был опубликован в 2006 году. Помимо ранобэ, Ююко Такэмия является также автором манги по мотивам собственных произведений, сценариев к видеоиграм и аниме.В настоящее время Ююко Такэмии регулярно сотрудничает с художником-иллюстратором Ясу, создателем графики к большинству её ранобэ и манги.
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На нашем сайте представлены 23 книги автора Ююко Такэмии. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
Ryuji Takasu has learned the hard way that appearances can be deceiving. Despite his inwardly sweet personality, his unintentionally sharp gaze and aggressive features give him the air of a delinquent thug, putting his chances at making friends, let alone a girlfriend, next to zero. It’s Ryuji’s first day in junior high school and it seems as if things are looking up. He gets to sit in between ...
Ryuji Takasu has learned the hard way that appearances can be deceiving. Despite his inwardly sweet personality, his unintentionally sharp gaze and aggressive features give him the air of a delinquent thug, putting his chances at making friends, let alone a girlfriend, next to zero. It’s Ryuji’s first day in junior high school and it seems as if things are looking up. He gets to sit in between ...
Ryuji Takasu has learned the hard way that appearances can be deceiving. Despite his inwardly sweet personality, his unintentionally sharp gaze and aggressive features give him the air of a delinquent thug, putting his chances at making friends, let alone a girlfriend, next to zero. It’s Ryuji’s first day in junior high school and it seems as if things are looking up. He gets to sit in between ...
Ryuji Takasu has learned the hard way that appearances can be deceiving. Despite his inwardly sweet personality, his unintentionally sharp gaze and aggressive features give him the air of a delinquent thug, putting his chances at making friends, let alone a girlfriend, next to zero. It’s Ryuji’s first day in junior high school and it seems as if things are looking up. He gets to sit in between ...
Ryuji Takasu has learned the hard way that appearances can be deceiving. Despite his inwardly sweet personality, his unintentionally sharp gaze and aggressive features give him the air of a delinquent thug, putting his chances at making friends, let alone a girlfriend, next to zero. It’s Ryuji’s first day in junior high school and it seems as if things are looking up. He gets to sit in between ...
Ryuji Takasu has learned the hard way that appearances can be deceiving. Despite his inwardly sweet personality, his unintentionally sharp gaze and aggressive features give him the air of a delinquent thug, putting his chances at making friends, let alone a girlfriend, next to zero. It’s Ryuji’s first day in junior high school and it seems as if things are looking up. He gets to sit in between ...
Ryuji Takasu has learned the hard way that appearances can be deceiving. Despite his inwardly sweet personality, his unintentionally sharp gaze and aggressive features give him the air of a delinquent thug, putting his chances at making friends, let alone a girlfriend, next to zero. It’s Ryuji’s first day in junior high school and it seems as if things are looking up. He gets to sit in between ...
Ryuji Takasu has learned the hard way that appearances can be deceiving. Despite his inwardly sweet personality, his unintentionally sharp gaze and aggressive features give him the air of a delinquent thug, putting his chances at making friends, let alone a girlfriend, next to zero. It’s Ryuji’s first day in junior high school and it seems as if things are looking up. He gets to sit in between ...
Ryuji Takasu has learned the hard way that appearances can be deceiving. Despite his inwardly sweet personality, his unintentionally sharp gaze and aggressive features give him the air of a delinquent thug, putting his chances at making friends, let alone a girlfriend, next to zero. It’s Ryuji’s first day in junior high school and it seems as if things are looking up. He gets to sit in between ...
Ryuji Takasu has learned the hard way that appearances can be deceiving. Despite his inwardly sweet personality, his unintentionally sharp gaze and aggressive features give him the air of a delinquent thug, putting his chances at making friends, let alone a girlfriend, next to zero. It’s Ryuji’s first day in junior high school and it seems as if things are looking up. He gets to sit in between ...
Ryuji Takasu has learned the hard way that appearances can be deceiving. Despite his inwardly sweet personality, his unintentionally sharp gaze and aggressive features give him the air of a delinquent thug, putting his chances at making friends, let alone a girlfriend, next to zero. It’s Ryuji’s first day in junior high school and it seems as if things are looking up. He gets to sit in between ...
Ryuji Takasu has learned the hard way that appearances can be deceiving. Despite his inwardly sweet personality, his unintentionally sharp gaze and aggressive features give him the air of a delinquent thug, putting his chances at making friends, let alone a girlfriend, next to zero. It’s Ryuji’s first day in junior high school and it seems as if things are looking up. He gets to sit in between ...
Ryuji Takasu has learned the hard way that appearances can be deceiving. Despite his inwardly sweet personality, his unintentionally sharp gaze and aggressive features give him the air of a delinquent thug, putting his chances at making friends, let alone a girlfriend, next to zero. It’s Ryuji’s first day in junior high school and it seems as if things are looking up. He gets to sit in between ...
Ryuji Takasu has learned the hard way that appearances can be deceiving. Despite his inwardly sweet personality, his unintentionally sharp gaze and aggressive features give him the air of a delinquent thug, putting his chances at making friends, let alone a girlfriend, next to zero. It’s Ryuji’s first day in junior high school and it seems as if things are looking up. He gets to sit in between ...
Ryuji Takasu has learned the hard way that appearances can be deceiving. Despite his inwardly sweet personality, his unintentionally sharp gaze and aggressive features give him the air of a delinquent thug, putting his chances at making friends, let alone a girlfriend, next to zero. It’s Ryuji’s first day in junior high school and it seems as if things are looking up. He gets to sit in between ...
Ryuji Takasu has learned the hard way that appearances can be deceiving. Despite his inwardly sweet personality, his unintentionally sharp gaze and aggressive features give him the air of a delinquent thug, putting his chances at making friends, let alone a girlfriend, next to zero. It’s Ryuji’s first day in junior high school and it seems as if things are looking up. He gets to sit in between ...
Ryuji Takasu has learned the hard way that appearances can be deceiving. Despite his inwardly sweet personality, his unintentionally sharp gaze and aggressive features give him the air of a delinquent thug, putting his chances at making friends, let alone a girlfriend, next to zero. It’s Ryuji’s first day in junior high school and it seems as if things are looking up. He gets to sit in between ...
Ryuji Takasu has learned the hard way that appearances can be deceiving. Despite his inwardly sweet personality, his unintentionally sharp gaze and aggressive features give him the air of a delinquent thug, putting his chances at making friends, let alone a girlfriend, next to zero. It’s Ryuji’s first day in junior high school and it seems as if things are looking up. He gets to sit in between ...
Ryuji Takasu has learned the hard way that appearances can be deceiving. Despite his inwardly sweet personality, his unintentionally sharp gaze and aggressive features give him the air of a delinquent thug, putting his chances at making friends, let alone a girlfriend, next to zero. It’s Ryuji’s first day in junior high school and it seems as if things are looking up. He gets to sit in between ...
Ryuji Takasu has learned the hard way that appearances can be deceiving. Despite his inwardly sweet personality, his unintentionally sharp gaze and aggressive features give him the air of a delinquent thug, putting his chances at making friends, let alone a girlfriend, next to zero. It’s Ryuji’s first day in junior high school and it seems as if things are looking up. He gets to sit in between ...
Ryuji Takasu has learned the hard way that appearances can be deceiving. Despite his inwardly sweet personality, his unintentionally sharp gaze and aggressive features give him the air of a delinquent thug, putting his chances at making friends, let alone a girlfriend, next to zero. It’s Ryuji’s first day in junior high school and it seems as if things are looking up. He gets to sit in between ...
Ryuji Takasu has learned the hard way that appearances can be deceiving. Despite his inwardly sweet personality, his unintentionally sharp gaze and aggressive features give him the air of a delinquent thug, putting his chances at making friends, let alone a girlfriend, next to zero. It’s Ryuji’s first day in junior high school and it seems as if things are looking up. He gets to sit in between ...
Ryuji Takasu has learned the hard way that appearances can be deceiving. Despite his inwardly sweet personality, his unintentionally sharp gaze and aggressive features give him the air of a delinquent thug, putting his chances at making friends, let alone a girlfriend, next to zero. It’s Ryuji’s first day in junior high school and it seems as if things are looking up. He gets to sit in between ...
Ryuji Takasu has learned the hard way that appearances can be deceiving. Despite his inwardly sweet personality, his unintentionally sharp gaze and aggressive features give him the air of a delinquent thug, putting his chances at making friends, let alone a girlfriend, next to zero. It’s Ryuji’s first day in junior high school and it seems as if things are looking up. He gets to sit in between ...
Ryuji Takasu has learned the hard way that appearances can be deceiving. Despite his inwardly sweet personality, his unintentionally sharp gaze and aggressive features give him the air of a delinquent thug, putting his chances at making friends, let alone a girlfriend, next to zero. It’s Ryuji’s first day in junior high school and it seems as if things are looking up. He gets to sit in between ...
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