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Автор - Мишель Сагара Уэст

Мишель Сагара Уэст

1963 г.
Michelle Sagara West

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Творчество Мишели Уэст

На нашем сайте представлены 12 книг автора Мишели Уэст. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".

Если № 2, февраль 2001
Если № 2, февраль 2001

Олег ДИВОВ. ПРЕДАТЕЛЬ Здесь все и вся скрыто под личиной: орки, драконы, эльфийские кони. И только боевой маг с открытым забралом противостоит всякой нечисти. Мишель САГАРА. ПРИЗРАЧНЫЙ ЛЕС «У них», оказывается, тоже бывает вечная зима, но по другим причинам. Лоуренс УОТТ-ЭВАНС. НОЧНОЙ ПОЛЕТ Предупреждение легкомысленным девицам: не стоит убегать из дома с колдунами. ...


It began in the graveyard… Ever since her boyfriend Nathan had died in a tragic accident, Emma had been coming to the graveyard at night. During the day she went through the motions at her prep school, in class, with her friends, but that’s all it was. For Emma, life had stopped with Nathan’s death. But tonight was different. Tonight Emma and her dog were not alone in the cemetery. There were ...

Cast in Shadow
Cast in Shadow

Seven years ago Kaylin fled the crime-riddled streets of Nightshade, knowing that something was after her. Children were being murdered -- and all had the same odd markings that mysteriously appeared on her own skin... Since then, she's learned to read, she's learned to fight and she's become one of the vaunted Hawks who patrol and police the City of Elantra. Alongside the winged...

Cast in Chaos
Cast in Chaos

The sixth title in Sagara's Chronicles of Elantra series. Kaylin Neya is a Hawk, part of the elite force tasked with keeping the City of Elantra safe. Her past is dark, her magic uncontrolled, and her allies unpredictable. And nothing has prepared her for what is coming

Cast In Courtlight
Cast In Courtlight

The much-anticipated follow-up to "Cast in Shadow." In the world of Elantra, a job well done is rewarded with a more dangerous task. And so, after defeating a dark evil, Kaylin must enter a place of deceit and treachery--a place covered with silk and jewels and deceptively deadly. Original.

Cast in Fury
Cast in Fury

When a minority race of telepaths is suspected of causing a near-devastating tidal wave, Private Kaylin Neya is summoned to Court—and into a PR nightmare. To ease racial tensions, the emperor has commissioned a play, and the playwright has his own ideas about who should be the focus.… But Kaylin works her best magic behind the scenes, and though she tries to stay neutral, she is again drawn int...

Cast in Peril
Cast in Peril

USUALLY DISASTER DIDN'T STRIKE QUITE SO CLOSE TO HOME... It has been a busy few weeks for Private Kaylin Neva. In between angling for a promotion, sharing her room with the last living female Dragon and dealing with more refugees than anyone knew what to do with, the unusual egg she'd been given was ready to hatch. Actually, that turned out to be lucky, because it absorbed the energy f...

Cast in Ruin
Cast in Ruin

Seven corpses are discovered in the streets of a Dragon's fief. They are all identical, down to their clothing. Kaylin Neya is assigned to discover who they were, who killed them, and why. Is the evil lurking at the borders of Elantra preparing to cross over?

Cast In Secret
Cast In Secret

Still avoiding magic whenever possible, Corporal Kaylin Neya relished investigating a regular theft once again. Until she found out the mysterious box was taken from Elani Street, where the mages and charlatans mingled, and it was sometimes hard to tell the difference between the two. But she was hoping this might be a mundane case-- --when in a back room Kaylin saw a lost-looking girl in a refl...

Cast in Silence
Cast in Silence

A member of the elite Hawk force that protects the City of Elantra, Kaylin Neya has sacrificed much to earn the respect of the winged Aerians and immortal Barrani she works alongside. But the mean streets she escaped as a child aren't the ones she's vowed to give her life guarding. Those were much darker.... Kaylin's moved on with her life--and is keeping silent about the shameful ...

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