На нашем сайте представлены 4 книги автора Henry Zou. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
Set in the nightmare universe of the 41st millennium, Planetkill is a collection of short stories on the theme of planetary destruction. These tales of total war are scribed by fan favourites such as Graham McNeill along with up and coming new talent to really get the adrenaline pumping. Brutal green-skinned orks, mysterious eldar and the deadly champions of the Chaos powers all seek to conque...
The Blood Gorgons Chaos Space Marines are called to one of their recruiting worlds as the populace is struck down by a plague of mutation.
Inquisitor Roth and his henchman Silverstein are sent to the worlds of the Medina Corridor to uncover the location of a set of ancient artefacts. Meanwhile, the Ironclads, a force of Chaos traitors, invades the subsector in search of their artefacts for their own nefarious ends. With the Ironclads’ indomitable army crushing all before it, will Roth be able to find the artefacts in time and prevent...
On the planet of Solo-Baston, indigenous forces are rebelling against Imperial rule, led by the mysterious 'Dos Pares'. Colonel Fyodor Baeder and the 31st Riverine are sent to reclaim vital weaponry for the Imperium, but are decimated by native resistance. However they find there is much more to the rebellion, and that the forces of Chaos are at work...
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