Энтони Троллоп - автор 43 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Барчестерские башни, Домик в Оллингтоне, Смотритель. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.
Роман Антони Троллопа (1815-1882), известного английского писателя викторианской эпохи, посвящен жизни духовенства и продолжает галерею классических образов литературы английского Просвещения, созданных Филдингом, Голдсмитом, Стерном и другими. Высокое художественное мастерство, жизненность характеров и бытовых деталей, добродушный юмор и лукавая ирония по праву стяжали "Барчестерским башням" слав...
"Домик в Оллингтоне" - подлинный викторианский роман, написанный Энтони Троллопом, одним из самых читаемых и талантливых английских писателей. Пятое произведение знаменитого цикла "Барсетширские хроники". Роман, в котором сочетаются трезвость, реализм, остроумная сатира, тонкий психологизм и увлекательность сюжета. История любви молодого мистера Кросби, живущего в стесненных обстоятельствах и мечт...
Первый перевод на русский язык сатирического и нравоописательного романа классика английской литературы А. Троллопа. Книга открывает знаменитым цикл «Хроники Бастершира».
Энтони Троллоп — английский романист, чей непревзойденный талант заключается в блестящей комической манере описывать повседневные события. В повести «Рождество» миссис Браун, степенная леди, в поисках совершенно банальной вещи — горчицы для больного мужа — умудряется стать героиней настоящей детективной истории…
Энтони Троллоп (1815—1882) принадлежал к числу великих викторианских писателей, а его книги остаются в числе лучших английских романов. «Троллоп убивает меня своим мастерством», — писал в дневнике Лев Толстой. И «самым успешным» и «одним из лучших его произведений», по словам Джоржа Оруэлла, является «Смотритель» — книга, до сих пор популярная, по ней был снят британский телесериал «Барчестерские ...
The tough-mindedness of the social satire in "The Way We Live Now" and its air of palpable integrity give this novel a special place in Anthony Trollope's literary career. Trollope paints a picture as panoramic as his title promises, of the life of 1870s London, the loves of those drawn to and through the city, and the career of Augustus Melmotte, the Great Financier, who crosses it like a b...
Doctor Thorne by Anthony Trollope is one of the charming series of loosely connected novels set in Barsetshire. This is the third book to appear in the series, but may be read as a standalone work, and enjoyed on its own merits. While the good Dr. Thomas Thorne is at the heart of the novel, it is the romantic story of his niece Mary Thorne and Frank Gresham -- a story with the playful sensibility ...
Book DescriptionIn the preceding pages I have given a short record of the first twenty-six years of my life,--years of suffering, disgrace, and inward remorse. I fear that my mode of telling will have left an idea simply of their absurdities; but,
В центре сюжета - судьба фамильных драгоценностей семейства Юстасов. После смерти сэра Флориана Юстаса его жена Лиззи - красивая, но недалекая особа - отказывается вернуть бриллианты родственникам покойного и в поисках поддержки обращается сперва к лорду Фауну, с которым она заключает помолвку, а затем к своему кузену Фрэнку Грейстоку. В конце концов она заявляет полиции, что бриллианты были у нее...
Anthony Trollope’s stock-in-trade was the life of the great drawing rooms of mid-Victorian England, where the thirst for wealth and political power and the need for love continually formed and reformed in unexpected, illuminating combinations. Can You Forgive Her?, the story of Alice Vavasor, her conundrums in love, and her confusions about the rights and duties of a modern, is the first novel in...
The concluding volume in Trollope’s series of six Barsetshire novels narrates the trials of Josiah Crawley, the obsessive curate of Hogglestock, as he struggles to clear his name from accusations of theft and forgery. But Crawley’s story is only one thread in a complex tapestry which recalls favourite characters from earlier novels in this magnificent finale to the sequence.
Маркиз Кинсбёри всю жизнь был радикалом, сторонником реформ, либералом, однако испытал потрясение, когда либерализм проник в его семейную жизнь. Помолвка дочери, леди Фрэнсис Траффорд, с почтовым клерком заставила отца слечь в постель. Вдобавок же старший сын и наследник маркиза влюбился в нетитулованную девицу из Сити, квакершу Марион Фай… Перевод О. П.
He Knew He Was Right is widely regarded as one of Trollope`s masterpieces, displaying the full range of his mature art by turns humorous, pathetic, tragic, and socially aware. Louis Trevelyan seems the most fortunate of mid-Victorian gentlemen: young, rich, well-educated, handsome, and with a beautiful wife. But his life is ruined by ungrounded jealousy. In the later mad scenes, in which the unl...
Castle Richmond is about the fortunes and relationships of two families of the Irish aristocracy, set against the harrowing background of the Great Famine. Sir Thomas Fitzgerald is being blackmailed by two disreputable men over the question of his children's legitimacy. His relative, who stands to inherit should the children prove illegitimate, is caught between the girl he loves and the girl...
`Framley Parsonage` is the fourth of Trollope`s six Barsetshire novels, and clearly the author had fallen in love with `the dear county`. Though many people think first of Barchester Towers or The Last Chronicle of Barset when considering the canon, `Framley Parsonage` contains much of the light-heartedness of the one and some of the tragedy of the other. The plot concerns Mark Robarts, a young cl...
"Christmas at Thompson Hall" brings together the best of the Christmas stories of Anthony Trollope, one of the most successful, prolific, and respected English novelists of the nineteenth century. Characterized by insightful, psychologically rich, and sometimes wryly humorous depictions of the middle class and gentry of Victorian England - and inspired occasionally by missives in the "lost letter"...
'though a great many men and not a few women knew Ferdinand Lopez very well, none of them knew whence he had come' Despite his mysterious antecedents, Ferdinand Lopez aspires to join the ranks of British society. An unscrupulous financial speculator, he determines to marry into respectability and wealth, much against the wishes of his prospective father-in-law. One of the nineteenth c...
The fourth novel in Trollope's Palliser series, Phineas Redux stands on its own as a compelling work of political intrigue, personal crisis, and romantic jealousy. Phineas Finn lives quietly in Dublin, resigned to the fact that his political career is over and coming to terms with the death of his wife. He receives an unexpected invitation to return to Parliament, and jumps at the chance, whe...
Set in rural France in 1793 and centering on the civil war between royalists and rebel republicans, this is Trollope's only historical novel. Trollope's support for the rebels emerges not only through his treatment of the military conflict, but also in a romantic subplot, where the lovers are as doomed as the rebellion itself. The subversive themes that run beneath the surface of the nar...
Текст издания: журнал "Русскій Вѣстникъ", NoNo 9-12, 1869, NoNo 1, 3-6.
ИЗДАН?Я Е. Н. АХМАТОВОЙ. САНКТПЕТЕРБУРГЪ. Въ типограф?и А. А. Краевскаго (Бассейная, No 2). 1878.
One of the most celebrated and prolific authors of the Victorian era, Anthony Trollope (1815–82) requested that his autobiography be published posthumously. The two-volume work, first published in 1883 and reissued here in the second edition of that year, recounts his childhood, successful career at the Post Office, and multiple achievements as a writer. Well received by the critics of the time, t...