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Автор - Chris Sebela

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Творчество Chris Sebela

На нашем сайте представлены 4 книги автора Chris Sebela. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".

Injustice: Ground Zero Vol. 1
Injustice: Ground Zero Vol. 1

INJUSTICE: GROUND ZERO bridges the gap between the Injustice and Injustice 2 video games with a new perspective?through Harley Quinn?s eyes! As heroes from a parallel Earth arrive to tip the balance against Superman?s regime, Harley?s determined to cause her own brand of mayhem with the Joker Clan!

Injustice: Ground Zero Vol. 2
Injustice: Ground Zero Vol. 2

Harley and the Joker are back together, but is Harley Quinn the typical pawn in Joker?s evil plot, or is she setting an elaborate trap for him to fall right into? Seeing as this story is told through the less-than-lucid lens of Harley, you can probably guess which side she thinks she?s on?