На нашем сайте представлены 11 книг автора Ричарда Исанова. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
With the Old Ones' weapons fired up by Hambry's oil, the Affiliation will be wiped out - unless Roland Deschain - the Gunslinger - can intercede in time!
It's the final chapter in the first arc of this top-selling title from the mind of Stephen King. Roland and his ka-tet have their long-awaited showdown with Eldred Jonas and the Big Coffin Hunters.
A very special stand alone issue probing deeply into the incredible life of Marten Broadcloak. We learn his deadly secret agenda and true goal is not to serve the Crimson King, but to climb to the top of the Dark Tower itself and become the overlord of all existence! Written by Robin Furth, the guiding force behind the Dark Tower series and illustrated by Richard Isanove whose stunning coloring on...
Росомаха — один из самых популярных персонажей комиксов, участник команды "Люди Икс", герой знаменитого фильма. История — его происхождения долгие годы была окутана тайной. Кто он такой и почему сам ничего не знает о своем прошлом? Уникальный комикс от лучших сценаристов и художников Marvel впервые раскроет все тайны когтистого мутанта!
"The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed." With those words, millions of readers were introduced to Stephen King's Roland - an implacable gunslinger, powering his way through a dangerous land filled with ancient technology and deadly magic.
Roland has incurred the wrath of the evil sorcerer Marten, and must flee his home in Gilead with two of his young friends. But arriving in the supposedly friendly town of Hambry may be no safer, for the dreaded agents of Marten are abroad - The Coffin Hunters!
Hambry's leaders have switched allegiance and the assassins known as the Big Coffin Hunters have marked Roland and company for death
Young Roland Deschain seems willing to put his friends in deadly danger by staying in Hambry when his relationship with the beautiful Susan Delgado deepens. Meanwhile, the evil Marten Broadcloak's agents - a.k.a. the Big Coffin Hunters - are zeroing in for the kill on Roland and his ka-tet.
Just outside Hambry, Roland makes a monstrous discovery: The evil Farson and his Coffin Riders have stolen the awesome weapons of the Old Ones and now have the oil to power them and launch an attack against the Affiliation.
With the Old Ones' weapons fired up by Hambry's oil, the Affiliation will be wiped out - unless Roland Deschain - the Gunslinger - can intercede in time!
It's the final chapter in the first arc of this top-selling title from the mind of Stephen King. Roland and his ka-tet have their long-awaited showdown with Eldred Jonas and the Big Coffin Hunters.
A very special stand alone issue probing deeply into the incredible life of Marten Broadcloak. We learn his deadly secret agenda and true goal is not to serve the Crimson King, but to climb to the top of the Dark Tower itself and become the overlord of all existence! Written by Robin Furth, the guiding force behind the Dark Tower series and illustrated by Richard Isanove whose stunning coloring on...
Росомаха — один из самых популярных персонажей комиксов, участник команды "Люди Икс", герой знаменитого фильма. История — его происхождения долгие годы была окутана тайной. Кто он такой и почему сам ничего не знает о своем прошлом? Уникальный комикс от лучших сценаристов и художников Marvel впервые раскроет все тайны когтистого мутанта!
"The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed." With those words, millions of readers were introduced to Stephen King's Roland - an implacable gunslinger, powering his way through a dangerous land filled with ancient technology and deadly magic.
Roland has incurred the wrath of the evil sorcerer Marten, and must flee his home in Gilead with two of his young friends. But arriving in the supposedly friendly town of Hambry may be no safer, for the dreaded agents of Marten are abroad - The Coffin Hunters!
Hambry's leaders have switched allegiance and the assassins known as the Big Coffin Hunters have marked Roland and company for death
Young Roland Deschain seems willing to put his friends in deadly danger by staying in Hambry when his relationship with the beautiful Susan Delgado deepens. Meanwhile, the evil Marten Broadcloak's agents - a.k.a. the Big Coffin Hunters - are zeroing in for the kill on Roland and his ka-tet.
Just outside Hambry, Roland makes a monstrous discovery: The evil Farson and his Coffin Riders have stolen the awesome weapons of the Old Ones and now have the oil to power them and launch an attack against the Affiliation.
With the Old Ones' weapons fired up by Hambry's oil, the Affiliation will be wiped out - unless Roland Deschain - the Gunslinger - can intercede in time!
It's the final chapter in the first arc of this top-selling title from the mind of Stephen King. Roland and his ka-tet have their long-awaited showdown with Eldred Jonas and the Big Coffin Hunters.
A very special stand alone issue probing deeply into the incredible life of Marten Broadcloak. We learn his deadly secret agenda and true goal is not to serve the Crimson King, but to climb to the top of the Dark Tower itself and become the overlord of all existence! Written by Robin Furth, the guiding force behind the Dark Tower series and illustrated by Richard Isanove whose stunning coloring on...
Росомаха — один из самых популярных персонажей комиксов, участник команды "Люди Икс", герой знаменитого фильма. История — его происхождения долгие годы была окутана тайной. Кто он такой и почему сам ничего не знает о своем прошлом? Уникальный комикс от лучших сценаристов и художников Marvel впервые раскроет все тайны когтистого мутанта!
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