На нашем сайте представлены 73 книги автора Кирона Гиллена. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
The mutants of the future finally come to understand the real sad meaning of mutantkind's past as a day trip from Utopia takes a tragic, bloody turn. In the wake of SCHISM's first casualties, can Generation Hope even exist anymore? Plus: A new light pings into existence on Cerebra - a new mutant life, in need of help before his nascent power consumes him. Can the world's newest mutant team save th...
Новая волна антимутантской истерии возрождает программу роботов-стражей и приводит к расколу в рядах Людей Икс.
Сага о богах/поп-звёздах набирает обороты. Смерть Инанны расколола Пантеон: теперь одни боги охотятся на других, а другие - наоборот, прячутся. Но самое важное, что в третьем томе читатель перестаёт следить за одной историей и смотрит на мир глазами самих богов - а заодно узнаёт истории их происхождения!
When you're at the peak of your powers, there's only one way to go. The question becomes - how many people are you willing to drag down with you? The bestselling, critically-acclaimed comic by Kieron Gillen, Jamie McKelvie and Matt Wilson reaches its most dramatic arc yet. Collects THE WICKED + THE DIVINE #29-33
Spinning directlyout of UNCANNY X-MEN comes the most important new X-Book in years--GENERATION HOPE! When Hope Summers returned from the future she triggered the rebirth of the mutant gene. Five lights appeared on Cerebra and five mutants' powers came to life, but their activations have been chaotic and dangerous, nearly killing each of them. Now, Hope joins Cyclops, Wolverine and the fifth light....
Asgard lies under SIEGE! As the evil eye of Norman Osborn falls on Asgard, what happens to neighboring Broxton, Oklahoma? What unexpected enemies will be drawn to the scene like carrion to a carcass? And what unlikely heroes will rise to the town's defense? The Asgardians face the battle of their lives...and the showdown that's coming may end their new life on Earth as quickly as it began! Then, d...
Magneto is an X-Man. This may not be news to you, but only a handful in the Marvel Universe know that the poster boy for Fearing Mutants is now living just off the coast of one of the United State's largest cities. How on Earth are the X-Men going to explain the presence of one of the world's most infamous super villains? Next, when the X-Men left the militaristic alien Breakworld, its politic...
It's not important what our parents did. It matters what we do. Someone has to save the world. You're someone. Do the math. The criti cally acclaimed team of Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie reinvent the teen super-hero comic for the 21st century - uniting Wiccan, Hulkling and Kate "Hawkeye" Bishop with Kid Loki, Marvel Boy and Miss America. No pressure, right? When Wiccan makes a horrib...
All her life, Angela -- the finest warrior of Heven -- was raised to hate Asgard with every fiber of her being. And now Angela knows the truth about her identity: She is Thor's sister. She is an Asgardian. Cast out of her home and wanting nothing to do with Asgard, Angela must now strike out on her own! But what does Angela have that both Asgard and Heven want? And why are they so eager to get it?...
The mutants of the future finally come to understand the real sad meaning of mutantkind's past as a day trip from Utopia takes a tragic, bloody turn. In the wake of SCHISM's first casualties, can Generation Hope even exist anymore? Plus: A new light pings into existence on Cerebra - a new mutant life, in need of help before his nascent power consumes him. Can the world's newest mutant team save th...
Новая волна антимутантской истерии возрождает программу роботов-стражей и приводит к расколу в рядах Людей Икс.
Сага о богах/поп-звёздах набирает обороты. Смерть Инанны расколола Пантеон: теперь одни боги охотятся на других, а другие - наоборот, прячутся. Но самое важное, что в третьем томе читатель перестаёт следить за одной историей и смотрит на мир глазами самих богов - а заодно узнаёт истории их происхождения!
When you're at the peak of your powers, there's only one way to go. The question becomes - how many people are you willing to drag down with you? The bestselling, critically-acclaimed comic by Kieron Gillen, Jamie McKelvie and Matt Wilson reaches its most dramatic arc yet. Collects THE WICKED + THE DIVINE #29-33
Spinning directlyout of UNCANNY X-MEN comes the most important new X-Book in years--GENERATION HOPE! When Hope Summers returned from the future she triggered the rebirth of the mutant gene. Five lights appeared on Cerebra and five mutants' powers came to life, but their activations have been chaotic and dangerous, nearly killing each of them. Now, Hope joins Cyclops, Wolverine and the fifth light....
Asgard lies under SIEGE! As the evil eye of Norman Osborn falls on Asgard, what happens to neighboring Broxton, Oklahoma? What unexpected enemies will be drawn to the scene like carrion to a carcass? And what unlikely heroes will rise to the town's defense? The Asgardians face the battle of their lives...and the showdown that's coming may end their new life on Earth as quickly as it began! Then, d...
Magneto is an X-Man. This may not be news to you, but only a handful in the Marvel Universe know that the poster boy for Fearing Mutants is now living just off the coast of one of the United State's largest cities. How on Earth are the X-Men going to explain the presence of one of the world's most infamous super villains? Next, when the X-Men left the militaristic alien Breakworld, its politic...
It's not important what our parents did. It matters what we do. Someone has to save the world. You're someone. Do the math. The criti cally acclaimed team of Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie reinvent the teen super-hero comic for the 21st century - uniting Wiccan, Hulkling and Kate "Hawkeye" Bishop with Kid Loki, Marvel Boy and Miss America. No pressure, right? When Wiccan makes a horrib...
All her life, Angela -- the finest warrior of Heven -- was raised to hate Asgard with every fiber of her being. And now Angela knows the truth about her identity: She is Thor's sister. She is an Asgardian. Cast out of her home and wanting nothing to do with Asgard, Angela must now strike out on her own! But what does Angela have that both Asgard and Heven want? And why are they so eager to get it?...
The mutants of the future finally come to understand the real sad meaning of mutantkind's past as a day trip from Utopia takes a tragic, bloody turn. In the wake of SCHISM's first casualties, can Generation Hope even exist anymore? Plus: A new light pings into existence on Cerebra - a new mutant life, in need of help before his nascent power consumes him. Can the world's newest mutant team save th...
Новая волна антимутантской истерии возрождает программу роботов-стражей и приводит к расколу в рядах Людей Икс.
Сага о богах/поп-звёздах набирает обороты. Смерть Инанны расколола Пантеон: теперь одни боги охотятся на других, а другие - наоборот, прячутся. Но самое важное, что в третьем томе читатель перестаёт следить за одной историей и смотрит на мир глазами самих богов - а заодно узнаёт истории их происхождения!
When you're at the peak of your powers, there's only one way to go. The question becomes - how many people are you willing to drag down with you? The bestselling, critically-acclaimed comic by Kieron Gillen, Jamie McKelvie and Matt Wilson reaches its most dramatic arc yet. Collects THE WICKED + THE DIVINE #29-33
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