На нашем сайте представлены 3 книги автора Michael Frith. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
In this simple adaptation of Michael Frith's classic Bright & Early Book, I'll Teach My Dog 100 Words, a pet owner doesn't just teach basics like beg and bark, but also such unlikely canine commands as Shine my shoe! Kiss a goose! and Clean the zoo!
Little things can have a big impact, as in this funny Beginner Book by Dr. Seuss (writing under the name Rosetta Stone) and Michael Frith. When a little bug sneezes, he unknowingly sets off a hilarious chain reaction that wreaks havoc clear across town. From a toppled turtle to a sinking ship to a disrupted circus parade, Because a Little Bug Went Ka-Choo! takes a hysterical look at consequences i...
"'ll Teach My Dog 100 words" shows young children how easy it is to learn t0 read - even for a dog. The words in red are easily identified as the ?taught? words, which cover basic concepts like colours and opposites - and, of course, counting to 100! Beginner Books have been designed to appeal directly to children through the use of humour, rhyme and bright pictures that can be 'read...
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