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Автор - David Morris

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Творчество David Morris

На нашем сайте представлены 8 книг автора David Morris. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".

Legacy of Ahadi (book 1)
Legacy of Ahadi (book 1)

The first and main part of “Chronicles of the Pride Lands,” also known as “Legacy of Ahadi,” tells us the story of Mufasa and Taka. Unconditional brotherly love and friendship, that kept them all together, unrequited love and brutal intrusion of evil spirit into their lives. John H. Burkitt With stirred emotions I watched the pagentry and color that was The Lion King. Secretly I harbored the...

Shadow of the Makei (book 3)
Shadow of the Makei (book 3)

The third book of the series, gives us different view and understanding of the same events. We clearly see the misery of ex-evil characters as they live on. Their tragedy of betrayal, corageous and noble choise in life, and heroic death. “Chronicles of the Pride Lands” and “The Spirit Quest” shine like jewels on black velvet. A pair of beautifully cut gemstones that gleam with their own inner l...

The Change (book 6)
The Change (book 6)

What if? Taka had strength to leave the path leading him to misery and pain, path that taken him away from his beloved, his friends, his life? http://snowlands.ru/en/library/chronicles/classic.htm

The Leonid Saga (book 5)
The Leonid Saga (book 5)

Leonine folklore, to which you see referrals all over the “Chronicles of the Pride Lands,” organized in the most appropriate way. This is a return to my roots as a fanfic author when David first expressed curiosity about the spiritual and mythological dimensions of Chronicles. Now I take the luxury of exploring those themes in a way that will help you share in the legacy a lioness would seek to...

The Promise (book 7)
The Promise (book 7)

The story of unconditional love of Isha and Mabatu, and their life after they have left Pride Rock to live with another pride. Too young and inexperienced Mabatu had to leave pride to seek for his fate on the outer lands. Severe trial. Years have passed but Isha, his first and only love, believes he will return… After the stylistic experiment of “The Leonid Saga,” it was comforting to return to...