Патрисия "Пэт" Баркер родилась 8 мая 1948 года в городе Торнаби-на-Тисе (Thornaby-on-Tees) в Северном Йоркшире. Её мать Мойра происходила из семьи рабочих, а отца Пэт никогда не знала. Мойра забеременела случайно; в атмосфере строгих нравов ей пришлось скрыть свою беременность и называть Пэт своей сестрой. Когда Пэт было 7 лет, Мойра вышла замуж, но девочка решила остаться жить у бабушки Элис. Она и её муж Уильям владели закусочной, которая не приносила дохода, так что детство писательницы прошл...
Патрисия "Пэт" Баркер родилась 8 мая 1948 года в городе Торнаби-на-Тисе (Thornaby-on-Tees) в Северном Йоркшире. Её мать Мойра происходила из семьи рабочих, а отца Пэт никогда не знала. Мойра забеременела случайно; в атмосфере строгих нравов ей пришлось скрыть свою беременность и называть Пэт своей сестрой. Когда Пэт было 7 лет, Мойра вышла замуж, но девочка решила остаться жить у бабушки Элис. Она и её муж Уильям владели закусочной, которая не приносила дохода, так что детство писательницы прошло в бедности.
Пэт училась в Начальной школе Короля Джеймса в Нэрсборо (King James Grammar School, Knaresborough) и Начальной школе Грэнджфилд в Стоктоне-на-Тисе (Grangefield Grammar School, Stockton-on-Tees). В 1965 году Пэт Баркер (тогда ещё Дрейк) закончила отделение международной истории в Лондоской Школе Экономики (London School of Economics). После выпуска Пэт вернулась домой ухаживать за бабушкой вплоть до её смерти в 1971 году.
В 1969 году Пэт познакомилась в баре с Дэвидом Баркером, профессором зоологии и неврологом, который был на 20 лет старше неё. Позже он развелся со своей первой женой, чтобы жениться на Пэт. У них родилось двое детей, их дочь Анна Ральф тоже стала писательницей.
Пэт Баркер начала свою карьеру писательницы в возрасте примерно 25 лет. Первые три романа так никогда и не были напечатаны, что сама автор находит удачным, потому что недовольна ими. Первым опубликованным романом стала "Улица Юнион" - семь историй о женщинах из рабочего класса. Рукопись отвергали в течении 10 лет из-за её мрачности, пока Пэт не познакомилась с писательницей Анджелой Картер. Она высоко оценила роман и помогла опубликовать его в феминистском издательстве Вираго (Virago). В 1990 году роман был экранизирован. В "Стэнли и Айрис" снялись голливудские звёзды Роберт Де Ниро и Джейн Фонда. Правда, сама писательница не очень довольна фильмом, поскольку режиссёр внёс слишком много изменений. Тем не менее, это принесло книге успех.
На нашем сайте представлены 11 книг автора Пэт Баркер. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
From the Booker Prize-winning author of the Regeneration trilogy comes a monumental new masterpiece, set in the midst of literature's most famous war. Pat Barker turns her attention to the timeless legend of The Iliad, as experienced by the captured women living in the Greek camp in the final weeks of the Trojan War. The ancient city of Troy has withstood a decade under siege of the powerful Gree...
Afterwards, it was the horses she remembered, galloping towards them out of the orange-streaked darkness, their manes and tails on fire...' London, the Blitz, autumn 1940. As the bombs fall on the blacked-out city, ambulance driver Elinor Brooke races from bomb sites to hospitals trying to save the lives of injured survivors, working alongside former friend Kit Neville, while her husband P...
Regeneration, one in Pat Barker's series of novels confronting the psychological effects of World War I, focuses on treatment methods during the war and the story of a decorated English officer sent to a military hospital after publicly declaring he will no longer fight. Yet the novel is much more. Written in sparse prose that is shockingly clear -- the descriptions of electronic treatments a...
Dr. William Rivers at the Craiglockhart War Hospital faces the moral dilemma of curing men like Lieutenant Billy Prior of shellshock so that they can return to the fighting.
In "Toby's Room", Pat Barker revisits the First World War and the characters introduced in Life Class. When Toby is reported "Missing, Believed Killed", another secret casts a lengthening shadow over Elinor's world: how exactly did Toby die - and why? Elinor determines to uncover the truth. Only then can she finally close the door to Toby's room. Moving from the Slade School of A...
Pat Barker's Regeneration trilogy, published by Penguin between 1991 and 1995, and culminating in the Booker Prize-winning The Ghost Road, is widely considered to be the definitive modern statement on the brutality of war - and the First World War
It is the spring of 1918, and Britain is faced with the possibility of defeat by Germany. A belaguered government and a vengeful public target two group as scapegoats: pacifists and homosexuals. Many are jailed, others lead dangerous double lives, the "the eye in the door" becomes a symbol of the paranoia that threatens to destroy the very fabric of British society. Central to this novel are su...
Life Class is the first novel in Pat Barker's Life Class Trilogy - a powerful and unforgettable story of art and war Spring, 1914. The students at the Slade School of Art gather in Henry Tonks's studio for his life-drawing class. But for Paul Tarrant the class is troubling, underscoring his own uncertainty about making a mark on the world. When war breaks out and the army won't take Paul, he enlis...
Border Crossing is Pat Barker's unflinching novel of darkness, evil and society. When Tom Seymour, a child psychologist, plunges into a river to save a young man from drowning, he unwittingly reopens a chapter from his past he'd hoped to forget. For Tom already knows Danny Miller. When Danny was ten Tom helped imprison him for the killing of an old woman. Now out of prison with a new identity, Dan...
From the Booker Prize-winning author of the Regeneration trilogy comes a monumental new masterpiece, set in the midst of literature's most famous war. Pat Barker turns her attention to the timeless legend of The Iliad, as experienced by the captured women living in the Greek camp in the final weeks of the Trojan War. The ancient city of Troy has withstood a decade under siege of the powerful Gree...
Afterwards, it was the horses she remembered, galloping towards them out of the orange-streaked darkness, their manes and tails on fire...' London, the Blitz, autumn 1940. As the bombs fall on the blacked-out city, ambulance driver Elinor Brooke races from bomb sites to hospitals trying to save the lives of injured survivors, working alongside former friend Kit Neville, while her husband P...
Regeneration, one in Pat Barker's series of novels confronting the psychological effects of World War I, focuses on treatment methods during the war and the story of a decorated English officer sent to a military hospital after publicly declaring he will no longer fight. Yet the novel is much more. Written in sparse prose that is shockingly clear -- the descriptions of electronic treatments a...
Dr. William Rivers at the Craiglockhart War Hospital faces the moral dilemma of curing men like Lieutenant Billy Prior of shellshock so that they can return to the fighting.
In "Toby's Room", Pat Barker revisits the First World War and the characters introduced in Life Class. When Toby is reported "Missing, Believed Killed", another secret casts a lengthening shadow over Elinor's world: how exactly did Toby die - and why? Elinor determines to uncover the truth. Only then can she finally close the door to Toby's room. Moving from the Slade School of A...
Pat Barker's Regeneration trilogy, published by Penguin between 1991 and 1995, and culminating in the Booker Prize-winning The Ghost Road, is widely considered to be the definitive modern statement on the brutality of war - and the First World War
It is the spring of 1918, and Britain is faced with the possibility of defeat by Germany. A belaguered government and a vengeful public target two group as scapegoats: pacifists and homosexuals. Many are jailed, others lead dangerous double lives, the "the eye in the door" becomes a symbol of the paranoia that threatens to destroy the very fabric of British society. Central to this novel are su...
Life Class is the first novel in Pat Barker's Life Class Trilogy - a powerful and unforgettable story of art and war Spring, 1914. The students at the Slade School of Art gather in Henry Tonks's studio for his life-drawing class. But for Paul Tarrant the class is troubling, underscoring his own uncertainty about making a mark on the world. When war breaks out and the army won't take Paul, he enlis...
Border Crossing is Pat Barker's unflinching novel of darkness, evil and society. When Tom Seymour, a child psychologist, plunges into a river to save a young man from drowning, he unwittingly reopens a chapter from his past he'd hoped to forget. For Tom already knows Danny Miller. When Danny was ten Tom helped imprison him for the killing of an old woman. Now out of prison with a new identity, Dan...
From the Booker Prize-winning author of the Regeneration trilogy comes a monumental new masterpiece, set in the midst of literature's most famous war. Pat Barker turns her attention to the timeless legend of The Iliad, as experienced by the captured women living in the Greek camp in the final weeks of the Trojan War. The ancient city of Troy has withstood a decade under siege of the powerful Gree...
Afterwards, it was the horses she remembered, galloping towards them out of the orange-streaked darkness, their manes and tails on fire...' London, the Blitz, autumn 1940. As the bombs fall on the blacked-out city, ambulance driver Elinor Brooke races from bomb sites to hospitals trying to save the lives of injured survivors, working alongside former friend Kit Neville, while her husband P...
Regeneration, one in Pat Barker's series of novels confronting the psychological effects of World War I, focuses on treatment methods during the war and the story of a decorated English officer sent to a military hospital after publicly declaring he will no longer fight. Yet the novel is much more. Written in sparse prose that is shockingly clear -- the descriptions of electronic treatments a...
Dr. William Rivers at the Craiglockhart War Hospital faces the moral dilemma of curing men like Lieutenant Billy Prior of shellshock so that they can return to the fighting.
In "Toby's Room", Pat Barker revisits the First World War and the characters introduced in Life Class. When Toby is reported "Missing, Believed Killed", another secret casts a lengthening shadow over Elinor's world: how exactly did Toby die - and why? Elinor determines to uncover the truth. Only then can she finally close the door to Toby's room. Moving from the Slade School of A...
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