На нашем сайте представлены 3 книги автора Allen Zadoff. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
In the third and final installment in the Unknown Assassin trilogy, Boy Nobody is on the run from The Program and uncovers a secret about his past that forces him to decide where his loyalties lie. The Program has sent Boy Nobody on countless missions, instructed to kill whichever target he was given. But now, after going rogue, he is on his own mission to rescue his friend Howard who was capt...
Who is Boy Nobody? The perennial new kid at school: New town, new name... new mission. The perfect assassin: Kill your target and move on. No fear. No sympathy. No remorse. But this time is different. The stakes are deadlier. The memories are surfacing. And Boy Nobody is about to find out who he really is.
He was the perfect assassin. No name. No past. No remorse. Perfect, that is, until he began to ask questions and challenge his orders. Now The Program is worried that their valuable soldier has become a liability. And so Boy Nobody is given a new mission. A test of sorts. A chance to prove his loyalty. His objective: Take out Eugene Moore, the owner of an extremist military training camp fo...
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