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Книги Gary Zukav

Gary Zukav - автор 30 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Doctor Who: The Glamour Chase, The Twilight Streets, Охота за волшебством. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.

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Doctor Who: The Glamour Chase
Doctor Who: The Glamour Chase

Why are you here? I mean - who are you, exactly?' An archaeological dig in 1936 unearths relics of another time...And - as the Doctor, Amy and Rory realise - another place. Another planet. But if Enola Porter, noted adventuress, has really found evidence of an alien civilisation, how come she isn't famous? Why has Rory never heard of her? Added to that, since Amy's been travelling with him for a w...

Современная проза
The Twilight Streets
The Twilight Streets

It's the start of a Cardiff autumn - the days are getting shorter, the dark evenings settling in. There's a part of Cardiff that no one goes to much. No crime, no murders, just... they stay away. A collection of old rundown houses and gloomy streets. Something's not quite right there, something is off-kilter. Except now, the Council are renovating the area. And a new company have be...

Современная проза
Beautiful Chaos
Beautiful Chaos

Donna Noble is back home in London, catching up with her family and generally giving them all the gossip about her journeys. Her grandfather is especially overjoyed - he's discovered a new star and had it named after him. He takes the Doctor, as his special guest, to the naming ceremony. But the Doctor is suspicious about some of the other changes he can see in Earth's heavens. Parti...

Охота за волшебством
Охота за волшебством

На археологических раскопках в 1936-ом году были обнаружены реликвии из другого времени. И, как выясняют Доктор, Эми и Рори, из другого места. С другой планеты. Но если Энола Портер, выдающаяся путешественница, действительно обнаружила доказательства существования инопланетной цивилизации, как она могла остаться безвестной? Почему Рори никогда не слышал о ней? К тому же, почему, пропутешествовав с...

Divided Loyalties
Divided Loyalties

To most, the entity known as the Celestial Toymaker is an abstract pan-universal force, whose powers, origins and intentions are unknown. To a select few the Toymaker is a god, a being to be worshipped, without whom there would be no existence. But to others, the Toymaker is the embodiment of evil, a force to be thwarted at every possible juncture. Aeons past, the Time Lords of Gallifrey tried to ...

Культура и искусство
The Torchwood Archives
The Torchwood Archives

This book is a guide to torchwood. Do not remove this copy from the hub. Each book contains a macroform tracking device. Just in case...

The White Wolf
The White Wolf

A letter from an old friend she can?t remember sparks off another adventure for Sarah Jane, as she and her friends explore the village of Wolfenden. What is the secret of the white wolf carved on the hillside - and what does it have to do with alien abduction? Read By: Elisabeth Sladen.

Doctor Who: Beautiful Chaos
Doctor Who: Beautiful Chaos

Wilfred Mott is very happy: his granddaughter, Donna, is back home, catching up with family and gossiping about her journeys, and he has just discovered a new star and had it named after him. He takes the Tenth Doctor with him to the naming ceremony. But the Doctor soon discovers something else new, and worryingly bright, in the heavens - something that is heading for Earth. It's an ancient f...

The Confessions of Dorian Gray: Series 3
The Confessions of Dorian Gray: Series 3

Inspired by Oscar Wilde's classic story of hedonism and corruption, The Confessions of Dorian Gray imagines a world where Dorian Gray was real, and his friendship with Oscar Wilde once spawned the notorious novel.

Doctor Who (2008): Agent Provocateur
Doctor Who (2008): Agent Provocateur

Over the course of seemingly unrelated adventures, the Doctor and Martha find that events are being manipulated by an alien Pantheon who need the Doctor to clean up their mess. They are simply looking for the best milkshakes in the cosmic galaxy, when a heap of trouble occurs.

Minuet in Hell
Minuet in Hell

The Brigadier finds the Eighth Doctor a patient of a medical institute. Meanwhile Charley has lost her memory and is working in the Hell Fire Club under the direction of Francis Dashwood the Third, where a demonic creature called Marchosias has been summoned by the local dignitaries of Malebolgia. Are these demons real, or can the disturbed Doctor reclaim his wits and learn the truth?

Doctor Who: Spiral Scratch
Doctor Who: Spiral Scratch

Carsus: the largest repository of knowledge in the universe — in any universe, for there is an infinite number of potential universes; or rather, there should be. So why are there now just 117,863? And why, every so often, does another one just wink out of existence? The Doctor and Mel arrive on Carsus to see the Doctor’s old friend Professor Rummas — but he has been murdered. Can they solve th...

Real Time
Real Time

On a planet known only as Chronos, two scientific survey teams have vanished. Inexplicably. Without warning. But with just one clue supplied - a single screamed word: "Cybermen!" The University they worked for has called in the Earth security forces who despatch a third team, a mix of military and scientific might, under the auspices of a University Administrator. If that kind of volatile group...

Business Unusual
Business Unusual

A security force with no official identity... a managing director with no name... a sinister creature on guard patrol resembling some kind of hellhound... SeneNet is no ordinary multinational company. The Doctor arrives in Brighton, 1989, travelling alone. He soon discovers his old friend, the Brigadier, has gone missing investigating SeneNet, whose new interactive games console is soon to be r...


"I don’t believe in destinies foretold and all that. I am a rational, straightforward thinker.’ Some time has passed since the events surrounding the Timonic Fusion Device threatened Romana’s presidency with impeachment, and life has calmed down on Gallifrey. Well, apart from Romana’s latest scheme, the opening up of Gallifrey’s famed Academy to the students of alien races with the ability, or ...

Культура и искусство
The Torchwood Encyclopedia
The Torchwood Encyclopedia

Founded by Queen Victoria in 1879, the Torchwood Institute has been defending Great Britain from the alien hordes for 130 years.Though London's Torchwood One was destroyed during the Battle of Canary Wharf, the small team at Torchwood Three have continued to monitor the space-time Rift that runs through Cardiff, saving the world and battling for the future of the human race.

Big Bang Generation
Big Bang Generation

?I'm an archaeologist, but probably not the one you were expecting.? Christmas 2015, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. Imagine everyone's surprise when a time portal opens up in Sydney Cove. Imagine their shock as a massive pyramid now sits beside the Harbour Bridge, inconveniently blocking Port Jackson and glowing with energy. Imagine their fear as Cyrrus "the mobster" Globb, P...

He Jests at Scars
He Jests at Scars

The thing about meddling with time is that one moment something is real, the next, it's been erased. Probability become just a possibility. Established truth becomes a theoretical falsehood. Like dominoes, as one timeline falls, the others come cascading down around it. You can engineer new timelines, new possibilities but before long, the distinction between what is, what was, what might be ...

Death of the Doctor
Death of the Doctor

The Doctor is dead!...Or is he? Sarah Jane and the gang head to a UNIT base under Mount Snowdon to investigate. Strange alien undertakers, the Shansheeth, are guarding the body, and the shifty Colonel Karim seems to be up to no good. Find out what's really going on in this exclusive new adventure, featuring the Eleventh Doctor!The second of two exciting new novelisations based on a story from The ...

The Lost Boy
The Lost Boy

Life on Earth can be an adventure too. You just need to know where to look. Sarah Jane is shocked to see an appeal on television by the distraught parents of a missing boy - Luke, her adopted son! She is accused of kidnapping him and has to hand Luke over to his 'real' parents. But something doesn't seem right. With the help of her friends, Maria, Clyde and Alan, Sarah Jane unco...

Warriors of Kudlak
Warriors of Kudlak

Join Sarah Jane on an exciting adventure investigating mysterious happenings with the help of Maria, Luke, Clyde and of course 'Mr Smith'. Based on an episode of "Sarah Jane Adventures", this fantastic novel has colour inserts showing scenes from the BBC series. Life on Earth can be an adventure too! When Luke and Clyde go missing after a trip to a laser-tag arena, Sarah Jane and Maria go to ta...

Современная проза
Doctor Who: Scales of Injustice
Doctor Who: Scales of Injustice

When a boy goes missing and a policewoman starts drawing cave paintings, the Doctor suspects the Silurians are back. With the Brigadier distracted by questions about UNIT funding and problems at home, the Doctor swears his assistant Liz Shaw to secrecy and investigates alone. But Liz has enquiries of her own, teaming up with a journalist to track down people who don’t exist. What is the mysteriou...

Культура и искусство
Doctor Who Encyclopedia
Doctor Who Encyclopedia

Completely revised and updated, this is the ultimate guide to everything and everyone that's ever happened, un-happened and happened again in the worlds and times of the Doctor. The Doctor Who Encyclopedia now covers the Eleventh Doctor's first two seasons, plus every Ninth and Tenth Doctor story, and is packed with photographs and artwork from seven stunning years of advent...

Детская литература
The Art of The Fellowship of the Ring (The Lord of the Rings)

Gallifrey dies... Romana and her comrades find themselves in the dank and grubby wastelands of northern Gallifrey, trapped between two forces in a long and ancient war. One side bides their time within their nests, whilst the other draws up troops across the trenches. Both sides have their secrets, their means to win the war - and both want Romana fighting alongside them? After millennia ...