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Автор - Geoff Edgers

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Творчество Geoff Edgers

На нашем сайте представлены 2 книги автора Geoff Edgers. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".

Научно-популярная литература для детей
Who was Elvis Presley?
Who was Elvis Presley?

Put on your blue suede shoes and get ready for another addition to the "Who Was…?" series! The King could not have come from humbler origins: Born in Tupelo, Mississippi, during the Depression, he grew up with the blues music of the rural South, the gospel music of local churches, and the country-western classics. But he forged a sound all his own - and a look that was all his own, too. With curle...

Научно-популярная литература для детей
Who were the Beatles?
Who were the Beatles?

Almost everyone can sing along with the Beatles, but how many young readers know their whole store? Geoff Edgers, a "Boston Globe" reporter and hard-core Beatles fan, brings the Fab Four to life in this "Who Was...?" book. Readers will learn about their Liverpudlian childhoods, their first forays into rock music, what Beatlemania was like, and why they broke up. It's all here in an easy-to-read na...

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