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Книги Carmen Callil

Carmen Callil - автор 2 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: The Weather In The Streets, Stop What You're Doing And Read This!. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.

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The Weather In The Streets
The Weather In The Streets

Taking up where AN INVITATION TO THE WALTZ left off, THE WEATHER IN THE STREETS shows us Olivia Curtis ten years older, a failed marriage behind her, thinner, sadder, and apprently not much wiser. A chance encounter on a train with a man who enchanted her as a teenager leads to a forbidden love affair and a new world of secret meetings, brief phone calls and snatched liaisons in anonymous hotel r...

Stop What You're Doing And Read This!
Stop What You're Doing And Read This!

In any 24 hours there might be sleeping, eating, kids, parents, friends, lovers, work, school, travel, deadlines, emails, phone calls, Facebook, Twitter, the news, the TV, Playstation, music, movies, sport, responsibilities, passions, desires, dreams. Why should you stop what you're doing and read a book? People have always needed stories. We need literature - novels, poe...