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Автор - Jo Thomas

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Творчество Jo Thomas

На нашем сайте представлены 4 книги автора Jo Thomas. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".

Summer With Friends
Summer With Friends

The best kind of summers are those spent with friends... Sit back, relax and enjoy this irresistible collection of exclusive opening chapters from your favourite authors. Perfect for reading in the garden, on the beach or in the bath, this gorgeous collection will bring the warmth of summer into your life, whatever the weather.... Featuring Harriet Evans, Emylia Hall, Emma Hannigan, Kathryn Hug...

The Oyster Catcher
The Oyster Catcher

a full-length romance novel A Contemporary Romance by Jo Thomas Fiona Clutterbuck thinks she’s got it all when she finally becomes Mrs Brian Goodchild, marrying weeks before her 30th birthday. But when he abandons her at the altar, she does the only thing she knows how to do, run away. Crashing the honeymoon camper van, she finds herself in the middle of nowhere on the west coast of Ireland wit...

The Olive Branch
The Olive Branch

Escape to Italy with THE OLIVE BRANCH. The irresistibly romantic new novel from Jo Thomas, award-winning author of ebook runaway bestseller THE OYSTER CATCHER.

Современная проза
Armastus jõuluturult
Armastus jõuluturult

Eakate inimeste kortermajas toitlustaja ametit pidav Connie on internetikohtingutega kaasas käivatest jamadest surmani tüdinud. Minevikusuhetes haiget saanud naine, kes peab arvestama ka pojaga, suhtub nüüd kõigesse suhetega kaasnevasse teatud kahtlustega. Siis korraldab üks hooldekodu asukatest talle kohtingu kaunil jõuluturul Saksamaal – tingimusel, et sinna võetakse kaasa ka väikebussitäis vanu...

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