На нашем сайте представлены 8 книг автора Mark Harrison. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
This set of four practice tests is written by a highly experienced author, and replicates the exam in level, content and format. Each test book contains: - Four complete practice tests; - Sample answer sheets; - Do-it-yourself mark sheets for calculating scores; - Assessment criteria for Paper 2 Writing and Paper 5 Speaking; - Eight-page colour section for Paper 5 Speaking. The...
Cambridge English Advanced Practice Tests Four tests for the 2015 Cambridge English: Advanced exam This set of four practice tests is written by a highly experienced author and replicates the 2015 Cambridge English: Advanced exam in level, content, and format. It includes: -Four print practice tests -Assessment criteria for Speaking and Writing tasks.
Complete IELTS combines the very best in contemporary classroom practice with stimulating topics aimed at young adults wanting to study at university. The Workbook with Answers with Audio CD contains extra practice corresponding to the units of the Student's Book.
FCE Testbuilder is designed to improve exam performance and increase language competence for success in the FCE examination. Students can practise exam-style questions paper-by-paper. The 'Further Practice and Guidance' sections and answer key give comprehensive advice on how to cope with specific areas of the exam. Four completely new practice tests - Suitable for the revised...
Трехуровневое пособие по грамматике рассчитано на подготовку к международным экзаменам. Неотъемлемой частью курса являются тесты для итогового и текущего контроля. Placement Test на сайте позволяет выбрать учебник нужного уровня. Ключевые характеристики: - Большое количество упражнений различного формата обеспечивают последовательное повторение и закрепление изученного материала. - Все упраж...
Трехуровневая серия позволяет студентам изучать грамматику в контексте повседневного общения. Четырехстраничные разделы дают четкие объяснения по использованию грамматики с последующей тренировкой. Каждый уровень содержит интерактивный CD ROM. Ключевые характеристики: - Уникальный раздел Grammar in action объясняет, как использовать грамматику в в ситуациях ежедневного общения. - Рамки Word Focus...
The collapse of Roman rule in Britain was not so much a sudden catastrophe as a long and drawn-out decline. The 'Celtic' Britons retreated gradually to the highland areas of Wales, Cornwall and the south-west of Scotland. Control of the fertile eastern lowlands was lost to warriors of Germanic origin who migrated from the Continent. These Germanic conquerors have become known to history as the 'An...
When Norwegian Vikings first raided the European coast in the 8th century AD, their leaders were from the middle ranks of warriors known as hersirs. At this time the hersir was typically an independent landowner or local chieftain with equipment superior to that of his followers. By the end of the 10th century, the independence of the hersir was gone, and he was now a regional servant of the Norwe...
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