На нашем сайте представлены 6 книг автора Дженнифер Дэвис. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
The people of Nelebek live in fear of persecution from the evil Morlet, who reigns with a dark and destructive magic. The kingdom's only hope lies with the Order of the Krigers--twelve warriors with mysterious powers linked to magical weapons. For over a century, Morlet has been annihilating the Order, picking them off one by one. Eleven Krigers have been hunted down, tortured, and imprisoned ...
Seventeen-year-old Allyssa appears to be the ideal princess of Emperion--she's beautiful, elegant, and refined. She spends her days locked in a suffocating cage, otherwise known as royal court. But at night, Allyssa uses her secret persona--that of a vigilante--to hunt down criminals and help her people firsthand. Unfortunately, her nightly escapades will have to wait because the citizens ...
When Rema chose to be crowned queen and join the rebel forces, she knew she'd face the fight of her life. What she didn't expect was to be kidnapped by an Emperion assassin and taken to the mainland to be executed in front of the emperor. How can she save Greenwood Island if she can't even save herself? Darmik knows he doesn't have much time to rescue Rema. He's denounced his position as Comman...
Within these pages lie kingdoms with castles and princes who fall in love with fair maidens, but make no mistake; this is no fairytale. His father's kingdom is on the brink of upheaval and at the center of it all is an ordinary girl who could be the key to its undoing. When faced with the ultimate choice, will he choose the girl he's falling in love with or the kingdom he has sworn to protect? ...
Sentenced to be executed. Betrayed. Alone. Hung on the gallows. Rema thought her life was over, but she was wrong. Saved by a rebel force she’d only ever heard rumors about, Rema finds herself in a forbidden place. She is finally safe—free from the king and Prince Lennek. But not everything is as it seems at the rebel fortress. Secrets are whispered, and loyalties are tested. Once Re...
Вязание лоскутных ковриков — это популярное, традиционное занятие, вновь вошедшее в моду. Вязать коврики недорого и очень увлекательно. Лоскуты ненужной ткани, старой одежды или специально подобранных материалов можно своими руками превратить в коврик, подушку, сиденье для стула или рамку для зеркала. Вязание ковриков открывает простор вашей фантазии. Вы можете выбрать любой рисунок— цветы, птицы,...
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