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Книги Кисиро Юкито

Кисиро Юкито - автор 32 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: GUNNM. Оружие мечты. Том 1, GUNNM. Оружие мечты. Том 2, GUNNM. Оружие мечты. Том 3. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.

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GUNNM. Оружие мечты. Том 1
GUNNM. Оружие мечты. Том 1

Далекое будущее... Земля практически уничтожена в пламени ядерной войны, а горстки уцелевших людей влачат жалкое существование в руинах разрушенных городов. Однажды вечером, бродя среди холмов мусора в поисках запчастей, кибер-доктор Дайскэ Идо находит половину тела девушки-андроида. Он дает ей имя Галли и надеется, что со временем та станет ему доброй и заботливой дочерью. Но Галли, которая ничег...

GUNNM. Оружие мечты. Том 2
GUNNM. Оружие мечты. Том 2

После победы над Макакой Галли возвращается к привычной жизни в доме у Идо и своим новым обязанностям воина-охотника. Во время выполнения очередного контракта она случайно знакомится к мальчиком Юго. Тот буквально одержим желанием попасть в небесный город Салим и старается всеми силами заработать необходимую для этого сумму. Страсть, с которой Юго пытается воплотить свою мечту, оказывает на Галли ...

GUNNM. Оружие мечты. Том 3
GUNNM. Оружие мечты. Том 3

Отчаянное желание попасть в город Салим в итоге стоит Юго жизни. Виня себя за неспособность спасти любимого, Галли уходит из дома. Попытки разыскать девушку приводят Идо в западные районы Свалки, среди жителей которых популярен азартный и опасный вид спорта моторбол, представляющий из себя гибрид американского футбола и гонок на выживание. Попав на трансляцию матча третьей лиги, Идо в изумлении уз...

Gunnm. Оружие мечты. Том 4
Gunnm. Оружие мечты. Том 4

Галли наконец-то переходит во вторую лигу моторбола. Впереди ее ждет очередной матч, полный головокружительных препятствий на трассе и зрелищных разборок между игроками. Карающий Ангел обязана победить, ведь от этого зависит судьба ее будущего поединка с Ясуганом, многократным чемпионом этого вида спорта, чей титул пока что никому не удавалось отнять. Сможет ли Галли уцелеть в водовороте страстей,...

GUNNM. Оружие мечты. Том 5
GUNNM. Оружие мечты. Том 5

Покончив со спортивной карьерой в моторболе, Галли возвращается к обычной привычной жизни в кругу семьи и друзей. Она снова занимается розыском преступников, а по вечерам выступает с вокальными номерами в баре «Канзас». Однако от былого спокойствия не остается и следа после того, как кто-то начинает убивать на улицах воинов-охотников. Вскоре выясняется, что это Запан, утративший остатки рассудка и...

Battle Angel Alita: Last Order, Vol. 07 - Guilty Angel
Battle Angel Alita: Last Order, Vol. 07 - Guilty Angel

Master manga creater Yukito Kishiro returns, accompanid by his most celebrated character, cyborg sweetheart Battle Angel Alita. Meet Kishiro's latest bevy of bizarre and tormented characters and catch up with your favorite and foes!

Battle Angel Alita: Last Order, Vol. 08 - Angel's Vision
Battle Angel Alita: Last Order, Vol. 08 - Angel's Vision

Master manga creater Yukito Kishiro returns, accompanid by his most celebrated character, cyborg sweetheart Battle Angel Alita. Meet Kishiro's latest bevy of bizarre and tormented characters and catch up with your favorite and foes!

Battle Angel Alita: Last Order, Vol. 06 - Angel & the Vampire
Battle Angel Alita: Last Order, Vol. 06 - Angel & the Vampire

Beautiful battle angel Alita's adventures continue as she awakens in a new cyborg body and encounters a world filled with bizarre and tormented characters.

Battle Angel Alita: Last Order, Vol. 09 - Angel's Duty
Battle Angel Alita: Last Order, Vol. 09 - Angel's Duty

Master manga creater Yukito Kishiro returns, accompanid by his most celebrated character, cyborg sweetheart Battle Angel Alita. Meet Kishiro's latest bevy of bizarre and tormented characters and catch up with your favorite and foes!

Battle Angel Alita: Last Order, Vol. 05 - Haunted Angel
Battle Angel Alita: Last Order, Vol. 05 - Haunted Angel

Beautiful battle angel Alita's adventures continue as she awakens in a new cyborg body and encounters a world filled with bizarre and tormented characters.

Battle Angel Alita: Last Order, Vol. 04 - Angel of Protest
Battle Angel Alita: Last Order, Vol. 04 - Angel of Protest

Beautiful battle angel Alita's adventures continue as she awakens in a new cyborg body and encounters a world filled with bizarre and tormented characters.

Battle Angel Alita: Last Order, Vol. 10 - Angel Goes Nova
Battle Angel Alita: Last Order, Vol. 10 - Angel Goes Nova

A sophisticated science fiction tale packed with action, black humor, and philosophical, historical, and cultural references! Our heroine, beautiful cyborg Alita, has finally penetrated the center of Melchizedek, the supercomputer who is holding her friend Lou's brain hostage. Now ancient vampire Vilma asks her to accept an awesome responsibility, while Alita's copies fight their own battles on t...

Battle Angel Alita: Last Order, Vol. 14 - Angel of Defusion
Battle Angel Alita: Last Order, Vol. 14 - Angel of Defusion

The fate of entire worlds and peoples is at stake as teams of bizarre life-forms prepare for the barbaric Z.O.T. Tournament finals! Then Alita's friend Zazie arrives in need of a literal disarming. And who will prevail when Hitechnolat Minister and LADDER Assistant Chairman Mbadi and Alita finally have their showdown? While lovely cyborg Alita's friends and allies battle real, personal, and existe...

Battle Angel Alita: Last Order, Vol. 15 - Last Angel Standing
Battle Angel Alita: Last Order, Vol. 15 - Last Angel Standing

Master manga creater Yukito Kishiro returns, accompanid by his most celebrated character, cyborg sweetheart Battle Angel Alita. Meet Kishiro's latest bevy of bizarre and tormented characters and catch up with your favorite and foes!

Battle Angel Alita: Last Order, Vol. 16
Battle Angel Alita: Last Order, Vol. 16

When Doc Ido, a talented cyber-physician, finds Alita's head in a junk heap, she has lost all memory of her past life. But when he reconstructs her, she discovers her body still instinctively remembers the Panzer Kunst, the most powerful cyborg fighting technique ever known. In the postapocalyptic world of the Scrapyard, as the secrets of Alita's past unfold, each day is a struggle for s...

Battle Angel Alita: Last Order, Vol. 17
Battle Angel Alita: Last Order, Vol. 17

KARMIC JUSTICE! Caught in each other?s traps, the Martian markswoman Zazie and the despicable murderer Rakan begin to tear themselves apart, piece by piece! Meanwhile, Zekka?s distracted by the reappearance (or is that reincarnation?) of an old rival, whose presence may provoke the fiery death of millions in an antimatter explosion! Freedom, hubris, enlightenment and destruction as Alita?s sag...

Battle Angel Alita: Last Order, Vol. 18
Battle Angel Alita: Last Order, Vol. 18

ALITA IS DEAD?! Living out his days in a remote fishing village, Figure Four hears a rumor he cannot bring himself to believe: Alita is dead! The news dredges up old memories, and soon Figure is back wandering a wasteland still scarred by the battle against Barjack, desperately searching for the woman who once loved him. Instead, he'll stumble upon a village where a doctor named Ido has lo...

Battle Angel Alita: Last Order, Vol. 12 - Angel Redux
Battle Angel Alita: Last Order, Vol. 12 - Angel Redux

This time, Alita returns in an unprecedented form (Check out this volume's cover for details!) it seems no one can touch--not even Super Nova! Then Agi Mbadi, the dictator of Ketheres, goes on the offensive. If he cancels the Z.O.T.T. for "safety reasons," will Alita's dream of independence for Tiphares and the Scrapyard be crushed forever?

Battle Angel Alita: Last Order, Vol. 13 - Sans Angel
Battle Angel Alita: Last Order, Vol. 13 - Sans Angel

Prof. Nova move over, there's a new evil genius in town! Pissaro makes Nova's biological experiments look tame when his living weapons deploy at the barbaric Z.O.T. Tournament!

Battle Angel Alita: Last Order, Vol. 11 - Angel Cake
Battle Angel Alita: Last Order, Vol. 11 - Angel Cake

What is Alita's fate...? A doomed opponent in battle with Sechs may reveal some clues. Meanwhile, senseis and students fight for supremacy. Their mystical techniques can slay a tiger and even a dragon. But moves of such power may only be used against an opponent who is truly worthy!

Battle Angel Alita: Last Order, Vol. 19
Battle Angel Alita: Last Order, Vol. 19

THE LAST ORDER Ido and Figure's long journey ends in Earth orbit, on the space city Ketheres, where they can see the world after the ZOTT with their own eyes. What is it Alita has brought into the universe? After a life of defiance, what meaning has she gained? The science fiction epic that held fans spellbound for more than 20 years finally comes to a conclusion, and the seeds for a new adv...

Battle Angel Alita, Vol. 8: Fallen Angel
Battle Angel Alita, Vol. 8: Fallen Angel

After Daisuke Ido discovers the head of a cyborg in a trash dump, he reconstructs her body and names her Alita.

Battle Angel Alita, Vol. 7: Angel of Chaos
Battle Angel Alita, Vol. 7: Angel of Chaos

Alita meets Kaos, the son of mad scientist Desty Nova, who uses his psychometric powers to repair Alita's cyborg body after she falls into a sinkhole. A refurbished Alita finally goes head to head against the forces of Barjack and is ready to kill their leader, Den, when she's unexpectedly betrayed. Then Alita discovers the secret relationship between Dena and Kaos.

Battle Angel Alita, Vol. 6: Angel of Death
Battle Angel Alita, Vol. 6: Angel of Death

Alita's death sentence is commuted in exchange for her service as a member of the Tuned, an elite force of the utopian city of Tiphares. Her first assignment is to protect a nuclear-powered train from the infamous bandit known as Barjack.

Детская литература
Battle Angel Alita, Vol. 9: Angel's Ascension
Battle Angel Alita, Vol. 9: Angel's Ascension

The final volume of this epic sci-fi action series finds the beautiful and deadly cyborg Alita locked in a nightmarish virtual-reality battle with her nemesis, Desty Nova -- a struggle that may spell the end of the world.