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A part of DC Universe Rebirth! Superboy (aka Jonathan Kent) and Robin (aka Damian Wayne) make their super hero duo debut in this all-new series SUPER SONS, part of DC Rebirth. This debut series looks at the lives of Robin and Superboy and their destiny to follow in their fathers' footsteps, while we meet a new villain whose ascension parallels the boys' own understanding of their ...
Superboy (a.k.a. Jonathan Kent) and Robin (a.k.a. Damian Wayne) make their super hero duo debut in the all-new series Super Sons, collected in its entirety for the very first time. The son of Superman and the son of Batman have the world on their shoulders--as they learn to be men, they must also face the pressure of following in their fathers' footsteps. But can they handle being superheroes i...
A lavish hardcover collects the first two volume of legendary SUPERMAN writer Dan Jurgens and superstar artists Patch Zircher & Tyler Kirkham’s bold reimagining of the greatest superhero of all time! After an extinction-level event that shattered the cosmos, Superman found himself in a world very much like his own, but populated by a new breed of younger, angrier heroes—including a whole new Su...
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