Мэри Хоффман - автор 12 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Город Масок, Город Цветов, Город Звезд. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.
Параллельный мир Талиа, очень похож на Италию XVI века. В романе мы наблюдаем за Люсьеном, который в нашем мире очень болен. Получив мраморную тетрадь, которую использует как дневник, Люсьен неожиданно попадает в этот опасный новый мир; мир, который приводит в восторг от политических интриг и где жизнь может отнять вспышка мерлинского кинжала. Город Беллеция (Венеция в нашем мире) вызывает удивлен...
Скай становится Стравагантом и с помощью талисмана переносится в паралельный мир Талии. В талийской Джилии, похожей на итальянскую Флоренцию, он оказывается в самом центре родовой вражды между соперничающими семьями ди Кимичи и Нуччи. Страсти накаляются - ди Кимичи собираюься устроить невиданные по размаху свадебные торжества,- поэтому Скай и другие Страваганты должны сделать все возможное, чтобы ...
«Город Звёзд» – вторая книга трилогии известной английской писательницы Мэри Хоффман. Пятнадцатилетняя Джорджия обожает лошадей и ненавидит своего сводного брата Рассела, который готов наизнанку вывернуться, лишь бы досадить ей. Поэтому, потратив все свои сбережения на фигурку крылатой лошадки, Джорджия не подает виду, что дорожит ею. Девушка еще не знает, что эта фигурка поможет ей перенестись в...
When Matt is unexpectedly transported to the Scriptorium of Padavia (real-life Padua) University, he discovers he is a Stravagante who can travel through time using his talisman, a leather-bound book. Together with Luciano, now studying at the University, and Arianna, in disguise as a boy, he must fight the dangerous di Chimici clan who are on the verge of making a terrifying breakthrough into our...
Set in Classe (Ravenna in our world), the Stravagante is Isabel, a younger twin by a matter of minutes. Her talisman is a pouch of silver mosaic tiles and she stravagates to Classe, where she is met by Flavia, a successful female merchant who trades spices, silks, tapestries, and whose son is an outcast and a pirate. Isabel finds that Classe and Bellezza are under threat from attack by the fierce ...
Sequel to City of Masks, the setting is again Talia, the parallel world very similar to 16th-century Italy, but the main character in this book is Georgia - who has a love of horses. She is desperate to buy a little, dusty winged horse that has appeared in a local antique shop. This tiny, winged horse proves to be the talisman that transports Georgia right into the rivalries and the high-octane ex...
Desperately unhappy, Laura has resorted to secretly self-harming. But Laura is a Stravagante, somebody who can travel in time and space. When she finds her talisman, a small silver dagger, she stravagates with it to sixteenth-century Fortezza, a town similar to Lucca in Italy, where she meets her Stravagante, who is a swordsmith. But Laura also meets the charming and attractive Ludo, and falls for...
A story of persecution and poetry, love and war set in 13th century Southern France. As crusaders sweep through the country, destroying all those who do not follow their religion, Bertrand risks his life to warn others of the invasion. As a troubadour, Bertrand can travel without suspicion from castle to castle, passing word about the coming danger. In the meantime Elinor, a young noblewoman, in l...
Michelangelo's statue of David is renowned all over the world. Thousands flock to Florence to admire the artistry behind this Renaissance masterpiece, and to admire the beauty of the human form captured in the marble. But the identity of the model for this statue that has been so revered for over five hundred years has been lost . . . In this epic story Mary Hoffman uses her persuasive na...
Sequel to City of Masks and City of Stars, the narrative moves to the Talian equivalent of the city of Florence, where beauty and danger walk - as ever - hand in hand. The focus this time is on the new Stravagante, Sky, whose talisman is an ornate and delicate blue glass bottle. Sky is propelled right into the midst of a deadly feud between the di Chimici and Nucci families, who think nothing of s...
Grace loves stories, whether they're from books, movies, or the kind her grandmother tells. So when she gets a chance to play a part in Peter Pan, she knows exactly who she wants to be. Remarkable watercolor illustrations give full expression to Grace's high-flying imagination.
Venice, 1571 In the great shipyard of the Arsenale, Luca fetches water, chops wood and lights fires. As he works, he dreams of a girl with hair as gold as an angel's and skin as soft as a white peach. But Venice is preparing for war - war against the mighty Ottoman Empire. And so Luca boards The Angel and sets sail. Life at sea is thrilling, but Luca will meed his wits about him to s...