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Книги Дугласа Линдсея

Дуглас Линдсей - автор 2 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: The Long Midnight Of Barney Thomson, The Legend of Barney Thomson. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.

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The Long Midnight Of Barney Thomson
The Long Midnight Of Barney Thomson

Barney Thomson — awkward, diffident, Glasgow barber — lives a life of desperate mediocrity. Shunned at work and at home, unable to break out of a twenty-year rut, each dull day blends seamlessly into the next. However, there is no life so tedious that it cannot be spiced up by inadvertent murder, a deranged psychopath, and a freezer full of neatly packaged meat. Barney Thomson's uninteresting l...

The Legend of Barney Thomson
The Legend of Barney Thomson

An awkward barber becomes an inadvertent murderer in this black comedy, now a major motion picture. Barney Thomson — an awkward, diffident, Glasgow barber — lives a life of desperate mediocrity. Shunned at work and at home, unable to break out of a twenty-year rut, each dull day blends seamlessly into the next. However, there is no life so tedious that it cannot be spiced up by inadvertent m...