Тэд МакКивер - автор 3 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Comic Book Tattoo Tales Inspired by Tori Amos, The Extremist, Miniature Jesus. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.
Over 80 of the best creators from every style and genre have contributed over 50 stories to this anthology featuring tales inspired by the songs of multi-platinum recording artist, Tori Amos! Featuring an introduction by Neil Gaiman, with stories by creators such as Carla Speed McNeil, Mark Buckingham, C.B. Cebulski, Nikki Cook, Hope Larson, John Ney Reiber, Ryan Kelly, and many, many o...
Critically-acclaimed writer/artist Ted McKeever returns to the theater of the bizarre, as a small town pastor thinks that the eight-inch Jesus that descended from a cross on the church's wall is the work of the Devil! Meanwhile, Chomsky, our recovering alcoholic, is about to find out that the constant barrage of screaming voices in his head are not ALL imaginary.
The trailblazing Vertigo title, which stretched the limits of comics storytelling, is finally back in print! From writer Peter Milligan (HELLBLAZER, X-Statix) and artist Ted McKeever (DOOM PATROL, FAITH), the 4-issue miniseries took superheroics to their most risque. Murder, sex, amorality - anything is permissible with the suit on. THE EXTREMIST follows three ordinary people who succumb to the al...
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