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Книги Julien Bourrelle

Julien Bourrelle - автор 2 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: The Social Guidebook to Norway, The Social Guidebook to Norway 2 (Friendships and Relationships). Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.

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The Social Guidebook to Norway
The Social Guidebook to Norway

The Social Guidebook to Norway aims to crack the Norwegian social code in an entertaining way. Norwegians will find a highly humoristic illustration of their social behaviours. Sometime embarrassing, but otherwise eye-opening. Foreigners will find a strongly rooted social guidebook to Norway which gives numerous concrete tips on how to adapt to this peculiar society. It will support your efforts t...

The Social Guidebook to Norway 2 (Friendships and Relationships)
The Social Guidebook to Norway 2 (Friendships and Relationships)

How to make Norwegian friends and build relationships? The Norwegian adventure continues with 100 new illustrations taking you through the funny peculiarities of Norwegian relationships. Norwegians - you will recognise yourself and it will make you think Foreigners – you will understand and connect better with Norwegians and thrive in this beautiful country.