Ален Мабанку - автор 6 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Black Moses, Le Monde est mon langage, Broken Glass. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.
It’s not easy being Tokumisa Nzambe po Mose yamoyindo abotami namboka ya Bakoko. There’s that long name of his for a start, which means, "Let us thank God, the black Moses is born on the lands of the ancestors." Most people just call him Moses. Then there’s the orphanage where he lives, run by a malicious political stooge, Dieudonné Ngoulmoumako, and where he’s terrorized by two fellow orphans—the...
Courts recits, interviews et rencontres : Alain Mabanckou donne un nouvel horizon a notre langue. De Pointe-Noire a Cuba, de Madagascar a Montreal, il interroge inconnus et celebrites sur leur rapport a la francophonie. Poete exile, clochard celeste, ecrivain de la brousse, tous ont ce point commun : ils trouvent dans le francais un langage universel, la litterature.
Alain Mabanckou’s riotous new novel centers on the patrons of a run-down bar in the Congo. In a country that appears to have forgotten the importance of remembering, a former schoolteacher and bar regular nicknamed Broken Glass has been elected to record their stories for posterity. But Broken Glass fails spectacularly at staying out of trouble as one denizen after another wants to rewrite history...
Pointe-Noire, capitale economique du Congo, dans les annees 1970. Le narrateur, Michel, est un garcon d'une dizaine d'annees qui fait l'apprentissage de la vie, de l'amitie et de l'amour, tandis que le Congo vit sa premiere decennie d'independance sous la houlette de - l'Immortel Marien Ngouabi ?, chef charismatique marxiste. Les episodes d'une chronique fam...
Akcja powiesci toczy sie w srodowisku afrykanskich imigrantow w Paryzu. Glowny bohater, zwany przez kolegow Zadkologiem, to typowy przedstawiciel SAPE - Stowarzyszenia Amantow, Pedantow i Elegantow. Szykownym strojem kluje w oczy sasiadow, a rzekoma bezczynnoscia powieksza francuska dziure budzetowa. Kiedy jego ukochana Pierwotna Barwa porzuca go dla Hybrydy grajacego na tam-tamie, w zyciu Zadkolo...
When Kibandi, a boy living in a Congolese village, reaches the age of 11, his father takes him out into the night and forces him to drink a vile liquid from a jar that has been hidden for years in the earth. This is his initiation. From now on, he and his double, a porcupine, become accomplices in murder. They attack neighbors, fellow villagers, and people who simply cross their path, for reasons ...