Felix, Theo - автор 5 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Elvis in Koln, Leipziger Allerlei, Donauwalzer. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.
A fast-paced mystery for beginning German students featuring private detective Helmut M?ller, who's dolled himself up as Elvis to enjoy Cologne's famed Karneval.Suddenly his assistant Bea is missing, along with some money. Level one difficulty.
Aus einem Unfall wird ein Mordfall! Helmut Muller reist nach Leipzig und dort passiert ailerlei... Формат издания: 11 см х 18 см.
A fast-paced mystery for beginning German students featuring private detective Helmut M?ller. It's every teacher's nightmare. On a class trip to Vienna, one of the students turns up missing, maybe even kidnapped! Level one difficulty.
Udo Buchental, das Idol der deutschen Popmusik, ist verschwunden. Muller recherchiert in der Musikszene - aber einer singt falsch.
A fast-paced mystery for German students featuring private eye Helmut Mueller, who discovers that one of his friends is a talented art forger. Or could that Paul Klee really be an original? Level two difficulty.