Джон О’Брайен - автор 10 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: A New World: Reckoning, A New World: Awakening, A New World: Chaos. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.
Danger lurks in the shadows A place where the brave tread warily Jack Walker has returned from the rescue of his girlfriend with a small band of survivors. Their harrowing journey from the Middle East included a stop at the CDC where they learned vital information about the ferocious new species that hunt at night. The night runners dominate the landscape and a world turned upside down by t...
A vengeful darkness…Gathers in the night…One threat has been destroyed - another grows stronger. Even though Jack and the teams have won a major confrontation, their lives still hang by a thread. There are decisions to be made, and ones that have never been more critical.Leonard continues to try to keep his crew together after being hit by another soul-shattering blow. They’ve only recently become...
The Dice Are Cast... Death Watches and Waits The sanctuary walls were breached and through them poured screaming hordes of night runners. About to be overrun, the survivors formed a last stand against the thousands that threatened to end their existence. Inexplicably, the night runners, who were on the verge of taking one of the last vestiges of humanity, departed, carrying the limp body ...
Dark clouds gather A storm is breaking... With the sanctuary built, there is a respite from the nightly night runner assaults. Jack Walker and the group of survivors have bought themselves a little breathing room. Or have they? A peaceful daytime outing turns into yet another nightmare sweeping Robert and Bri up with it. The world has changed. Another danger has emerged. Ferocious packs of...
Blood has been spilled… Retribution is at hand… Greg rescues several survivors from the clutches of a fanatical group only to find a mysterious force behind him. With only a small team accompanying him, he flees into the night with the force following. A deadly game of cat and mouse ensues. Leonard finds their home port lying in ruins. He discovers evidence indicating that part of the fleet may ha...
Awareness grows... The gathering commences.... The world has changed. Jack Walker and the other survivors must adjust with it if they are to have a chance. They've managed to stay one step ahead so far but the gap is narrowing. The night runners are growing and adapting. The rules are changing. Winter is coming and the survivors must ready themselves for the long season. With Robert and...
There is no sanctuary. That was taken away in the blink of an eye. Humanity went out not with a whimper, but a bang. Jack, a sometimes humorous, sometimes philosophical ex-special operations pilot and soldier is one of the few left to struggle through the desolation left in the aftermath; seeking to survive as a new ferocious species emerges from the rubble, hungry and unrelenting. Will hi...
A shot taken... A new enemy revealed... Lynn has been rescued from deep within the heart of a night runner lair. The answer why she was taken remains a mystery. Sandra lies in a pool of her own blood ending her desperate measures to draw Jack to her. As Red Team celebrates their joy of Lynn's freedom, they are unaware that a sight is centered on them from afar. A bullet tears through the ...
Fire Rains From Above... A Fracture Forms... Jack Walker and the other survivors continue their search for others. Unbeknownst to them, the night runners have initiated their own gathering and, with Michael's leadership, they are adapting. The survivors learn about some of these adaptations and strive to stay one step ahead. Their continued existence depends on it. Fac...
Safety is the dream. Nightmare is the reality. A nightmare where danger lurks around every corner. Jack Walker, journeyed half way around the world and completed his daring rescue. He must now return home, traversing a world filled with endless hordes of night runners; the genetically altered, ferocious species that now inhabit the dark recesses left over from the demise of mankind and now d...