Уокер Перси - автор 7 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Ланселот, The Moviegoer, The Second Coming. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.
Потомок новоорлеанского плантатора по имени Ланселот совершает зловещее и загадочное убийство. И хотя мотив вроде ясен — ведь жертвами пали жена главного героя и ее любовник, — мы не разберемся в случившемся, пока не выслушаем сумасбродно-вдохновенную исповедь убийцы. Произведение Уокера Перси, великого американского писателя, которого вы до сих пор не читали и о котором даже не слышали, впервые ...
The Moviegoer is Binx Bolling, a young New Orleans stockbroker who surveys the world with the detached gaze of a Bourbon Street dandy even as he yearns for a spiritual redemption he cannot bring himself to believe in. On the eve of his thirtieth birthday, he occupies himself dallying with his secretaries and going to movies, which provide him with the "treasurable moments" absent from his real lif...
Will Barrett (also the hero of Percy's The Last Gentleman) is a lonely widower suffering from a depression so severe that he decides he doesn't want to continue living. But then he meets Allison, a mental hospital escapee making a new life for herself in a greenhouse. The Second Coming is by turns touching and zany, tragic and comic, as Will sets out in search of God's existence and winds up findi...
Will Barrett is a 25-year-old wanderer from the South living in New York City, detached from his roots and with no plans for the future - until the purchase of a telescope sets off a romance and changes his lifeforever.
Dr. Tom More has created a stethoscope of the human spirit. With it, he embarks on an unforgettable odyssey to cure mankind's spiritual flu. This novel confronts both the value of life and its susceptibility to chance and ruin.
The 1990s. Euthanasia and quarantines for AIDS have become the norm. But can even this world sanction a substance that "improves" people's behavior and so reduces crime, unemployment and teen pregnancy?