Худе Лань - автор 19 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Аватар Короля, Аватар Короля / The King’s Avatar, The King's Avatar. Volume 8: Bounty Hunter. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.
Е Сю является экспертом экстра-класса и лучшим про-игроком в онлайн-игре «Слава» (англ. Glory), однако его вышвырнули из гильдии и вынудили отдать свой аккаунт, «Осенний Лист» (кит. 葉秋 Е Цю), новому капитану «Великолепной Эры», Сунь Сяну. Покинув профессиональную сцену, он устроился менеджером в интернет-кафе. Но когда «Слава» запустила свой десятый сервер, вооружённый десятилетним опытом, Е Сю вн...
In the multiplayer online game Glory, Ye Xiu is regarded as a textbook and a top-tier pro-player. However, due to a myriad reasons, he is kicked from the team. After leaving the pro scene, he finds work in an Internet Cafe as a manager. When Glory launches its tenth server, he throws himself in to the game once more. Possessing ten years of experience, the memories of his past, and an incomplete, ...
Е Сю является экспертом экстра-класса и лучшим про-игроком в онлайн-игре «Слава» , однако из-за множества причин его вышвырнули из команды и вынудили отдать свой аккаунт Осенний Лист новому капитану Великолепной Эры, Сунь Сяну. Покинув профессиональную сцену, он устроился менеджером в интернет-кафе. Но когда «Слава» запустила свой десятый сервер, вооружённый десятилетним опытом, Е Сю вновь возврат...
In the multiplayer online game Glory, Ye Xiu is regarded as a textbook and a top-tier pro-player. However, due to a myriad reasons, he is kicked from the team. After leaving the pro scene, he finds work in an Internet Cafe as a manager. When Glory launches its tenth server, he throws himself in to the game once more. Possessing ten years of experience, the memories of his past, and an incomplete, ...
«Настоящий сброд» — второй том новеллы «Аватар Короля», который включает в себя главы 121-213.
In the multiplayer online game Glory, Ye Xiu is regarded as a textbook and a top-tier pro-player. However, due to a myriad reasons, he is kicked from the team. After leaving the pro scene, he finds work in an Internet Cafe as a manager. When Glory launches its tenth server, he throws himself in to the game once more. Possessing ten years of experience, the memories of his past, and an incomplete, ...
In the multiplayer online game Glory, Ye Xiu is regarded as a textbook and a top-tier pro-player. However, due to a myriad reasons, he is kicked from the team. After leaving the pro scene, he finds work in an Internet Cafe as a manager. When Glory launches its tenth server, he throws himself in to the game once more. Possessing ten years of experience, the memories of his past, and an incomplete, ...
In the multiplayer online game Glory, Ye Xiu is regarded as a textbook and a top-tier pro-player. However, due to a myriad reasons, he is kicked from the team. After leaving the pro scene, he finds work in an Internet Cafe as a manager. When Glory launches its tenth server, he throws himself in to the game once more. Possessing ten years of experience, the memories of his past, and an incomplete, ...
In the multiplayer online game Glory, Ye Xiu is regarded as a textbook and a top-tier pro-player. However, due to a myriad reasons, he is kicked from the team. After leaving the pro scene, he finds work in an Internet Cafe as a manager. When Glory launches its tenth server, he throws himself in to the game once more. Possessing ten years of experience, the memories of his past, and an incomplete, ...
In the multiplayer online game Glory, Ye Xiu is regarded as a textbook and a top-tier pro-player. However, due to a myriad reasons, he is kicked from the team. After leaving the pro scene, he finds work in an Internet Cafe as a manager. When Glory launches its tenth server, he throws himself in to the game once more. Possessing ten years of experience, the memories of his past, and an incomplete, ...
In the multiplayer online game Glory, Ye Xiu is regarded as a textbook and a top-tier pro-player. However, due to a myriad reasons, he is kicked from the team. After leaving the pro scene, he finds work in an Internet Cafe as a manager. When Glory launches its tenth server, he throws himself in to the game once more. Possessing ten years of experience, the memories of his past, and an incomplete, ...
In the multiplayer online game Glory, Ye Xiu is regarded as a textbook and a top-tier pro-player. However, due to a myriad reasons, he is kicked from the team. After leaving the pro scene, he finds work in an Internet Cafe as a manager. When Glory launches its tenth server, he throws himself in to the game once more. Possessing ten years of experience, the memories of his past, and an incomplete, ...
In the multiplayer online game Glory, Ye Xiu is regarded as a textbook and a top-tier pro-player. However, due to a myriad reasons, he is kicked from the team. After leaving the pro scene, he finds work in an Internet Cafe as a manager. When Glory launches its tenth server, he throws himself in to the game once more. Possessing ten years of experience, the memories of his past, and an incomplete, ...
Легенда киберспортивных романов! Е Сю был лучшим игроком в онлайн-игре "Путь славы", чей талант и превосходные навыки привели команду "Эра расцвета" на вершину рейтингов. Но когда достижения клуба пошли на спад, его решили заменить на подающего надежды новичка Сунь Сяна и передать ему аккаунт Е Сю, Одинокий Осенний Лист. Покинув профессиональный киберспорт, Е Сю устраивается на работу менеджером...
Е Сю продолжает покорять вершины на новом сервере игры "Путь славы". Все больше лидеров гильдий догадываются, с кем имеют дело, и кое-кто уже тщательно планирует месть за прошлые обиды. На сервере вдруг все меняется: сообщество наконец обвиняет самые влиятельные гильдии в никчемности. Те же, поняв, что ни побороть, ни переманить Сумрачного Повелителя на свою сторону не получится, начинают на него ...
In the multiplayer online game Glory, Ye Xiu is regarded as a textbook and a top-tier pro-player. However, due to a myriad reasons, he is kicked from the team. After leaving the pro scene, he finds work in an Internet Cafe as a manager. When Glory launches its tenth server, he throws himself in to the game once more. Possessing ten years of experience, the memories of his past, and an incomplete, ...