Уильям Гэсс - автор 11 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Картезианская соната, Мальчишка Педерсенов, Middle C. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.
Вы полагаете, что «святая троица» современного постмодернизма — Павич, Фаулз и Кундера — стала такой, какой стала, САМА ПО СЕБЕ? Вовсе нет! Раньше — и гораздо раньше — существовала другая «святая троица», СДЕЛАВШАЯ современный постмодернизм таким, каков он есть теперь. Двух авторов — Барта и Пинчона — российский читатель уже знает. Перед вами — третий. Уильям Гэсс. Абсолютный классик стиля. Аб...
A notable novelist and critic considers the works, lives, preoccupations, and achievements of Valery, Freud, Stein, Sartre, Henry Miller, Joyce, Rilke, Proust, Nabokov, Faulkner, Colette, and other modern writers.
It begins in Graz, Austria, in 1938. Joseph Skizzen's father pretends to be Jewish and leaves his country to avoid any connection with the Nazis. In London with his wife and children for the duration of the war, he disappears under mysterious circumstances. The family relocates to a small town in Ohio where Joseph Skizzen grows up and becomes a decent amateur piano player, in part to cope wit...
Greeted as a masterpiece when it was first published in 1966, Omensetter's Luck is the quirky, impressionistic, and breathtakingly original story of an ordinary community galvanized by the presence of an extraordinary man. Set in a small Ohio town in the 1890s, it chronicles - through the voices of various participants and observers - the confrontation between Brackett Omensetter, a man of pr...
Thirty years in the making, William Gass's second novel first appeared on the literary scene in 1995, at which time it was promptly hailed as an indisputable masterpiece. The story of a middle aged professor who, upon completion of his massive historical study, Guilt and Innocence in Hitler's Germany, finds himself writing a novel about his own life instead of the introduction to his mag...
IN THIS SUITE of five short pieces -- one of the unqualified literary masterpieces of the American 1960s -- William Gass finds five beautiful forms in which to explore the signature theme of his fiction: the solitary soul’s poignant, conflicted, and doomed pursuit of love and community. In their obsessions, Gass’s Midwestern dreamers are like the "grotesques" of Sherwood Anderson, but in their hyp...
On Being Blue is a book about everything blue - sex and sleaze and sadness, among other things - and about everything else. It brings us the world in a word as only William H.Gass, among contemporary American writers, can do. Gass writes: "Of the colors, blue and green have the greatest emotional range. Sad reds and melancholy yellows are difficult to turn up. Among the ancient elements, b...
Признанный классик американского постмодернизма Уильям Гэсс в течение 26 лет работал над монументальной и личной книгой. Её герой, университетский профессор Уильям Колер, завершивший историческое исследование о Холокосте «Вина и невинность в гитлеровской Германии», обнаруживает, что предисловие, которое он пишет, постепенно разрастается в жуткую исповедь о его собственной жизни. Испугавшись, что э...