Дэвид Марксон - автор 5 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Любовница Витгенштейна, Vanishing Point, Reader's Block. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.
Экспериментальный роман американского писателя Дэвида Марксона, признанный классикой постмодернизма. Роман — путешествие в одиночество, куда уводит читателя главная, и она же единственная, героиня безлюдного мира, загроможденного культурным наследием человечества. Спутывая на своей канве множество нитей, выдернутых из биографий и творчества знаменитых художников (композиторов, философов, писателей...
Book DescriptionIn the literary world, there is little that can match the excitement of opening a new book by David Markson. From Wittgenstein's Mistress to Reader's Block to Springer's Progress to This Is Not a Novel, he has delighted and amazed
In this spellbinding, utterly unconventional fiction, an aging author who is identified only as Reader contemplates the writing of a novel. As he does, other matters insistently crowd his mind - literary and cultural anecdotes, endless quotations attributed and not, scholarly curiosities - the residue of a lifetime's reading which is apparently all he has to show for his decades on earth. Out...
A minimalist novel. Markson's elderly author protagonist announces his final work, and uses it to create a stream of critiques of the work of other artists.