К. А. Такер - автор 23 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Десять маленьких вдохов, Одна маленькая ложь, Пять взлетов и падений. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.
Четыре года назад в автокатастрофе, устроенной пьяным водителем, погибает вся семья шестнадцатилетней Кейси и ее друг. В ожидании спасателей заблокированная в покореженном автомобиле девушка могла только наблюдать, как на ее глазах умирают близкие. Спасаясь от страшных воспоминаний, Кейси переезжает в другой город. Она старается никого не впускать в свою жизнь, но все же поддается обаянию своего ...
Это история о Ливи, которая наконец больше не боится потерять сестру – единственного родного человека. Теперь она может учиться, построить отличную карьеру и обязательно встретить надежного и приличного парня, за которого однажды выйдет замуж.Что не входило в этот план, так это студенческие вечеринки, милая тусовщица-соседка по комнате и Эштон, красивый капитан мужской команды по гребле, который н...
Иногда ты не можешь измениться…а иногда просто не хочешь. Узнайте историю Бена в четвертой книге любимого и востребованного инди-автора «Десяти крошечных вздохов», «Одной крошечной лжи» и «Четырех секунд, чтобы потерять». Фиолетововолосая и острая на язык Риз МакКей не понаслышке знает, что такое делать неправильный выбор. В свои двадцать с небольшим она набила много шишек. Так что, когда ее имп...
Livie has always been the stable one of the two Cleary sisters, handling her parents' tragic death and Kacey's self-destructive phase with strength and maturity. But underneath that exterior is a little girl hanging onto the last words her father ever spoke to her. “Make me proud,” he had said. She promised she would...and she’s done her best over the past seven years with every choice, with every...
Когда на пороге появляется прекрасная молодая танцовщица, владельцу стрип-клуба нужно решить, следовать ли собственным правилам или прислушаться к своему сердцу. Владение стрип-клубом – это не сказка, как ожидает большинство мужчин. С продолжительными сменами, персоналом, у которого проблем достаточно, чтобы обеспечить работой психиатра, и постоянно наблюдающей за ним полицией, двадцатидевятилет...
Before you knew him as Trent in Ten Tiny Breaths, he was Cole Reynolds—and he had it all. Until one night when he makes a fatal, wrong decision…and loses everything. When a drunken night out at a Michigan State college party results in the death of six people, Cole must come to terms with his part in the tragedy. Normally, he’d be able to lean on his best friends—the ones who have been in his l...
A woman who almost had it all . . . On the surface, Celine Gonzalez had everything a twenty-eight-year-old woman could want: a one-bedroom apartment on Manhattan’s Lower East Side, a job that (mostly) paid the bills, and an acceptance letter to the prestigious Hollingsworth Institute of Art, where she would finally live out her dream of becoming an antiques appraiser for a major auction house. ...
Included in this free e-sampler are selections from ten sexy, heartbreaking, and epically romantic books by some of the biggest names in contemporary romance and new adult fiction. You’ll want to read them over and over again, share with your friends, and bookmark every page. We hope you enjoy these excerpts and come back for the rest of the story! Here’s just a touch of: Sweet Thing by Re...
Evangeline has spent her teenage years in obscurity. Her foster parents have the emotional aptitude of robots and her classmates barely acknowledge her existence. About to turn eighteen and feeling like a social pariah, she is desperate to connect with someone. Anyone. When Evangeline meets Sophie after literally stumbling upon her café, she believes she’s found that connection. Willing to do any...
Left for dead in the fields of rural Oregon, a young woman defies all odds and survives—but she awakens with no idea who she is, or what happened to her. Refusing to answer to “Jane Doe” for another day, the woman renames herself “Water” for the tiny, hidden marking on her body—the only clue to her past. Taken in by old Ginny Fitzgerald, a crotchety but kind lady living on a nearby horse farm, Wat...
Calla Fletcher wasn't even two when her mother took her and fled the Alaskan wild, unable to handle the isolation of the extreme, rural lifestyle, leaving behind Calla?s father, Wren Fletcher, in the process. Calla never looked back, and at twenty-six, a busy life in Toronto is all she knows. But when Calla learns that Wren?s days may be numbered, she knows that it?s time to make the long tri...
A suspense-driven New Adult romance novel from the USA TODAY bestselling author of Ten Tiny Breaths and Burying Water. Armed with two years’ worth of savings and the need to experience life outside the bubble of her Oregon small town, twenty-five-year old Amber Welles is prepared for anything. Except dying in Dublin. Had it not been for the bravery of a stranger, she might have. But he takes o...
Almost sixteen-year-old Aria Jones is starting over. New postal code, new last name, new rules. But she doesn’t mind, because it means she can leave her painful regrets behind. In the bustling town of Eastmonte, she can become someone else. Someone better. With the Hartford family living next door, it seems she will succeed. Sure, Cassie Hartford may be the epitome of social awkwardness thanks ...
Purple-haired, sharp-tongued Reese MacKay knows all about making the wrong choice; she’s made plenty of them in her twenty-odd-years. So when her impulsive, short-lived marriage ends in heartbreak, she decides it’s time for a change. She moves to Miami with the intention of hitting reset on her irresponsible life, and she does quite well…aside from an epically humiliating one-night stand in Cancun...
Evangeline finally got what she longed for – the cursed pendant off her neck and Caden in her arms - only it has come at a steep price. An unknown poison now courses through her body, slowly morphing her into something no one but the Fates can foresee. She has her suspicions though...and, if she is right, it will spell certain ruin for her and Caden. She won’t last long enough to realize that tho...
She was merely a pawn in their game. And then something happened. Once the fragile, naïve human, Evangeline has become altogether … different. A being who holds formidable power, she may be the key to changing the course of fate. Or she could be the final nail in the world’s coffin. But Evangeline doesn’t know exactly what she is, what she can do. She knows only that she has to stop an ene...
Tucked away in Sofie’s wintery asylum with no hope of release for years, Evangeline must come to terms with her situation: the curse still plagues her, she’s now hunted by a two thousand-year-old vampire, and the guy she’s in love with tried to kill her. Plus, she’s locked up with a cranky Max and the Forero kids—two people everyone seems to prefer dead over alive. Things aren’t looking good. Mea...
Twenty-four-year-old truck stop waitress and single mother Catherine Wright has simple goals: to give her five-year-old daughter a happy life and to never again be the talk of the town in Balsam, Pennsylvania: population two thousand outside of tourist season. And then one foggy night, on a lonely road back from another failed attempt at a relationship, Catherine saves a man’s life. It isn’t u...
The USA TODAY bestselling author of the Ten Tiny Breaths series and Burying Water—which Kirkus Reviews called “a sexy, romantic, gangster-tinged page-turner”—returns with a new novel packed with romance, plot twists, and psychological suspense. Ivy, a talented tattoo artist who spent the early part of her twenties on the move, is finally looking for a place to call home. She thinks she might ha...
Luke Boone doesn't know exactly what his uncle Rust is involved in but he wants in on it-the cars, the money, the women. And it looks like he's finally getting his wish. When Rust hands him the managerial keys to the garage, they come with a second set?one that opens up the door to tons of cash and opportunity. Though it's not exactly legal, Luke's never been one to worry about...
Life is a mixed bag for Piper Calloway. On the one hand, she’s a twenty-nine-year-old VP at her dad’s multibillion-dollar real estate development firm, and living the high single life with her two best friends in a swanky downtown penthouse. On the other hand, she’s considered a pair of sexy legs in a male-dominated world and constantly has to prove her worth. Plus, she’s stuck seeing her narci...
Коул Рейнольдс был доволен своей жизнью. Но однажды ночью он делает неправильный выбор… и теряет все. Когда попойка на студенческой вечеринке в Университете Мичигана оканчивается смертью шести человек, Коулу приходится примириться с собственной ролью в этой трагедии. Обычно он мог положиться на своих лучших друзей. Лучших друзей, которые были частью его жизни с тех пор, как он едва научился ходит...
Ливи всегда была самой стойкой из сестер Клири. Она стойко перенесла трагичную смерть родителей и саморазрушительный период жизни Кейси, проявив силу и зрелость. Но под этой наружностью скрывается маленькая девочка, цепляющаяся за последние сказанные ей отцом слова. «Заставь меня гордиться» сказал он. Она пообещала, что так и сделает…и прошедшие семь лет прикладывала все усилия к этому, делая опре...