In 1986, the magical fantasy movie Labyrinth introduced the world to a set of unforgettable goblins from the minds of Jim Henson and Brian Froud. Not only has the film become a classic with a huge cult following, but Brian Froud’s long out- of-print book about the malevolent and cantankerous goblins—packed with his brilliant drawings and paintings—has achieved similar cult status. Now Abrams is...
In 1986, the magical fantasy movie Labyrinth introduced the world to a set of unforgettable goblins from the minds of Jim Henson and Brian Froud. Not only has the film become a classic with a huge cult following, but Brian Froud’s long out- of-print book about the malevolent and cantankerous goblins—packed with his brilliant drawings and paintings—has achieved similar cult status. Now Abrams is...
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