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Автор Максим Коломиец

Максим Коломиец, Илья Мощанский

Камуфляж танков Красной армии 1930 - 1945

ARМАДА вертикаль

Выпуск №5

© Экспринт, 1999

Цветные рисунки: А. Аксенов, А. Иванов

Дизайн, верстка: С. Игнатьев, А. Дучицкий

От авторов

Данная книга не претендует на звание всеобъемлющего труда по камуфляжу бронетанковых частей Красной Армии. Просто было очень важно показать, что в РККА, как и в любой другой, современной той эпохе армии, большое внимание уделялось проблемам камуфлирования, тактическим и опознавательным знакам. Сбор материала осуществлялся путем изучения существующих публикаций по данной тематике, в первую очередь приказов и наставлений по камуфлированию военной техники, а также архивных документов и фотоматериалов. Надеемся, что данная книга будет полезна как различным исследователям, так и широкому кругу читателей, стремящихся разобраться в различных перипетиях нашей военной истории.


The autors of this publication have no intention to make a complete book on Russian armor camouflage. We just feel that it’s important to show that in the Red Army much attention was paid to camouflage as well as to tactical and recognition signs. The text of this book is based on studying Russian archive materials — mostly Army rules and regulations related to camouflage schemes, photographs and other documents.

There was much speculation in Western sources about the color of Russian armour. Names like «Russian Green» and «Russian Olive» are frequently used, but provide little information about the color itself. In the beginning of thirties the main color for all Soviet military equipment (including armor and aircraft) was called ЗБ (3B in Latin). Until now we were not able to find an actual sample of this paint in archives though it is known that the color was very similar to 4БО (ABO) introduced later.

The ABO was introduced around 1938 and became the main army colour. From this time untill the end of the WWII most Soviet vehicles, artillery systems and other military equipment was painted this way. An actual sample of the paint was found in archives and compared to FS595 chips so we can say that the correct FS match for the ABO is FS595 ЗА 102. Of course there are exceptions to this rule but the absolute majority of Soviet combat vehicles were painted ABO. Needless to say, we talk about freshly-painted vehicles as they rolled out of the production line. The allowances for scale effect and weathering are up to you.

We at М-Hobby hope that along with our M-Hobby magazine and ARMADA series books this publication will be helpful for both modelers and historians alike as the accuracy of the vehicle colors is as important as the accuracy of its shape and dimensions. We did our best to illustrate this book with interesting photographs thought (alas!) many of them were left unused to keep the size of the publication (and price) reasonable. In spite of this we hope you’ll find the book to your liking.

Танки БТ-5 на маневрах БВО. Поверх стандартной защитной окраски нанесены большие пятна коричневой краской. 1935 г.