In this black and white, thought-provoking "comic book novel," Brooklyn-born Vincent Carl Santini looks back at his life and reassesses all of its pivotal moments with older eyes and new perspectives. With actual occurrences and embellished memories converging, Carl reflects upon physical and spiritual prisons, guilt and innocence and the inevitability of death. And after these mental debates and philosophical contemplations make him realize that he holds the Key to the Universe, Carl becomes pr...
In this black and white, thought-provoking "comic book novel," Brooklyn-born Vincent Carl Santini looks back at his life and reassesses all of its pivotal moments with older eyes and new perspectives. With actual occurrences and embellished memories converging, Carl reflects upon physical and spiritual prisons, guilt and innocence and the inevitability of death. And after these mental debates and philosophical contemplations make him realize that he holds the Key to the Universe, Carl becomes privy to the mysteries and meaning of life. Книга «Brooklyn Dreams» автора Дж. М. ДеМаттейс оценена посетителями КнигоГид, и её читательский рейтинг составил 7.60 из 10.
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