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Copyright © 2014 by Steven Johnson and Nutopia Ltd.
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Johnson, Steven, date.
How we got to now : six innovations that made the modern world / Steven Johnson.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-698-15450-6
1. Technology—Social aspects. 2. Inventions—Social aspects. I. Title.
T14. 5. J64 2014 2014018412
338'. 064—dc23
Robot Historians and the Hummingbird’s Wing
A little more than two decades ago, the Mexican-American artist and philosopher Manuel De Landa published a strange and wonderful book called
De Landa began the book with a brilliant interpretative twist. Imagine, he suggested, a work of history written sometime in the future by some form of artificial intelligence, mapping out the history of the preceding millennium. “We could imagine,” De Landa argued, “that such a robot historian would write a different kind of history than would its human counterpart. ” Events that loom large in human accounts—the European conquest of the Americas, the fall of the Roman Empire, the Magna Carta—would be footnotes from the robot’s perspective. Other events that seem marginal to traditional history—the toy automatons that pretended to play chess in the eighteenth century, the Jacquard loom that inspired the punch cards of early computing—would be watershed moments to the robot historian, turning points that trace a direct line to the present. “While a human historian might try to understand the way people assembled clockworks, motors and other physical contraptions,” De Landa explained, “a robot historian would likely place a stronger emphasis on the way these machines affected human evolution. The robot would stress the fact that when clockworks once represented the dominant technology on the planet, people imagined the world around them as a similar system of cogs and wheels. ”