The ripple of danger beneath the surface of Scott Heim's In Awe should serve as a warning to anyone expecting a casual ride: this is a book that means to take you places. A patina of malevolence overhangs Heim's Kansas, and even the quietest moments can have the most terrifying consequences for his trio of misfits,Boris, Sarah, and Harriet. The story draws us forward toward its heart like the best of spiderwebs. Книга «In Awe» автора Скотт Хайм оценена посетителями КнигоГид, и её читат...
The ripple of danger beneath the surface of Scott Heim's In Awe should serve as a warning to anyone expecting a casual ride: this is a book that means to take you places. A patina of malevolence overhangs Heim's Kansas, and even the quietest moments can have the most terrifying consequences for his trio of misfits,Boris, Sarah, and Harriet. The story draws us forward toward its heart like the best of spiderwebs. Книга «In Awe» автора Скотт Хайм оценена посетителями КнигоГид, и её читательский рейтинг составил 0.00 из 10.
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