Jen Campbell
Brought to you by KeVkRaY
Constable & Robinson Ltd
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London WC1B 4HP
This edition published by Constable, an imprint of Constable & Robinson Ltd 2012
Copyright © Jen Campbell 2012
Illustrations copyright © The Brothers McLeod 2012
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ISBN-13: 978-1-78033-483-7
eISBN: 978-1-78033-514-8
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For bookshops and heroic booksellers everywhere
with thanks to our loyal customers,
without whom we wouldn’t be selling books
to all the people within these pages
who’ve kept me on my toes,
made me smile and scared
the absolute hell out of me – thank
Tales From the Edinburgh Bookshop
Tales From Ripping Yarns
Weird Things Customers Say in
The Edinburgh Bookshop
The Edinburgh Bookshop [formerly The Children’s Bookshop], Bruntsfield Place, Edinburgh, is an independent bookshop owned by Vanessa and Malcolm Robertson, also owners of Fidra Books publishing company. Their bookshop dog is Teaga, a Leonberger, who somewhat resembles Nana from Peter Pan.
CUSTOMER: I read a book in the sixties. I don’t remember the author, or the title. But it was green, and it made me laugh. Do you know which one I mean?
CUSTOMER: Hi, I’d like to return this book, please.
BOOKSELLER: Certainly. Do you have the receipt?
BOOKSELLER: Erm, you bought this book at Waterstone’s.
BOOKSELLER: . . . we’re not Waterstone’s.
CUSTOMER: But you’re a bookshop.
BOOKSELLER: Yes, but we’re not Waterstone’s.
CUSTOMER: You’re all part of the same chain.
BOOKSELLER: No, sorry, we’re an independent bookshop.
.BOOKSELLER: Put it this way, you wouldn’t buy clothes in H&M and take them back to Zara, would you?
CUSTOMER: Well, no, because they’re different shops.
CUSTOMER: . . . I’d like to speak to your manager.
CUSTOMER: My children are just climbing your bookshelves. That’s ok, isn’t it? They won’t topple over, will they?
CUSTOMER: It makes me sad that grown up books don’t have pictures in them. You’re brought up with them when you’re younger, and then suddenly they’re all taken away.
BOOKSELLER: . . . Yes. It’s a cruel world.
CUSTOMER: Do you have any books by Jane Eyre?
CUSTOMER: Hi, I just wanted to ask: did Anne Frank ever write a sequel?
BOOKSELLER: ... ... . .
CUSTOMER: I really enjoyed her first book.
BOOKSELLER: Her diary?
CUSTOMER: Yes, the diary.