Inspired by the classic ghost stories of M.R. James, The Shadow Garden is a chilling and compelling tale by critically acclaimed author, Andrew Matthews. Matty Brand can see the spirits of the dead, and when she moves to Tagram House with her mother, her psychic powers reveal that two murdered children haunt the house. Matty soon becomes involved in untangling the mystery of their deaths, which she knows she must do in order to prevent another murder from being committed. Книга «The Shadow Ga...
Inspired by the classic ghost stories of M.R. James, The Shadow Garden is a chilling and compelling tale by critically acclaimed author, Andrew Matthews.
Matty Brand can see the spirits of the dead, and when she moves to Tagram House with her mother, her psychic powers reveal that two murdered children haunt the house. Matty soon becomes involved in untangling the mystery of their deaths, which she knows she must do in order to prevent another murder from being committed. Книга «The Shadow Garden» автора Эндрю Мэтьюз оценена посетителями КнигоГид, и её читательский рейтинг составил 8.60 из 10.
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