Marooned on Earth, a young alien named Kara has found it hard to fit in with her strange new surroundings. Finally, the last daughter of Krypton has made herself a friend: a young woman name Siobhan. Too bad she carries the curse of the Silver Banshee—and Siobhan’s father, the Black Banshee, isn’t far behind! Книга «Supergirl: Volume 2: Girl in the World» авторов Майк Джонсон, Michael Green оценена посетителями КнигоГид, и её читательский рейтинг составил 7.40 из 10.Для бесплатного просмотра пре...
Marooned on Earth, a young alien named Kara has found it hard to fit in with her strange new surroundings. Finally, the last daughter of Krypton has made herself a friend: a young woman name Siobhan. Too bad she carries the curse of the Silver Banshee—and Siobhan’s father, the Black Banshee, isn’t far behind! Книга «Supergirl: Volume 2: Girl in the World» авторов Майк Джонсон, Michael Green оценена посетителями КнигоГид, и её читательский рейтинг составил 7.40 из 10.
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