This book presents a quest to find an enchanted bird, from the back streets of London to a dazzling new world...An intriguing and unusual fantasy.Sash hates school, with its menacing teachers and stuck-up students. His father, Max, a taxidermist, is too busy to notice. Sash longs for a life of freedom. When he finds a riddle in his father's study, his life is changed for ever as he embarks on a quest to find a mythical bird. Accompanied by school 'princess' Verity, Sash travels to...
This book presents a quest to find an enchanted bird, from the back streets of London to a dazzling new world...An intriguing and unusual fantasy.Sash hates school, with its menacing teachers and stuck-up students. His father, Max, a taxidermist, is too busy to notice. Sash longs for a life of freedom. When he finds a riddle in his father's study, his life is changed for ever as he embarks on a quest to find a mythical bird. Accompanied by school 'princess' Verity, Sash travels to a faraway land. His dreams of adventure are about to come true but, as Sash and Verity discover, even paradise has a dark side... Книга «The Bloodstone Bird» автора Инбали Изерлес оценена посетителями КнигоГид, и её читательский рейтинг составил 0.00 из 10.
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