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Автор Дональд Бейн

Trouble at High Tide

A Murder, She Wrote Mystery


Manhattans & Murder

Rum & Razors

Brandy & Bullets

Martinis & Mayhem

A Deadly Judgment

A Palette for Murder

The Highland Fling Murders

Murder on the QE2

Murder in Moscow

A Little Yuletide Murder

Murder at the Powderhorn Ranch

Knock ’Em Dead

Gin & Daggers

Trick or Treachery

Blood on the Vine

Murder in a Minor Key

Provence—To Die For

You Bet Your Life

Majoring in Murder

Destination Murder

Dying to Retire

A Vote for Murder

The Maine Mutiny

Margaritas & Murder

A Question of Murder

Coffee, Tea, or Murder?

Three Strikes and You’re Dead

Panning for Murder

Murder on Parade

A Slaying in Savannah

Madison Avenue Shoot

A Fatal Feast

Nashville Noir

The Queen’s Jewels

Skating on Thin Ice

The Fine Art of Murder

Trouble at High Tide

A Murder, She Wrote Mystery



Based on the Universal Television series created by

Peter S. Fischer, Richard Levinson & William Link



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Fletcher, Jessica.

Trouble at high tide: a Murder, she wrote mystery: a novel/by Jessica Fletcher & Donald Bain.

pages cm. —Murder she wrote; 37)

ISBN: 978-1-101-58002-8

1. Fletcher, Jessica (Fictitious character)—Fiction. 2. Murder—Bermuda Islands—Fiction.

I. Bain, Donald, 1935– II. Title.

PS3552. A376T76 2012

813. 54—dc23 2011045099

Set in Minion

Designed by Ginger Legato

Printed in the United States of America

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