Ed Greenwood
Prologue: The Dragon’s Land
Chapter 1: The Hunting Party
Chapter 2: The Passing of Power
Chapter 3: A Death in Suzail
Chapter 4: The Raid
Chapter 5: The Abraxus
Chapter 6: Settlers
Chapter 7: Alusair
Chapter 8: Massacre
Chapter 9: Cordials
Chapter 10: Coronation
Chapter 11: In the Shadow of the King
Chapter 12: The Insufficient King
Chapter 13: Affairs of State
Chapter 14: The Pupil
Chapter 15: The Common Room
Chapter 16: The King’s Touch
Chapter 17: Meetings
Chapter 18: Cats and Wizards
Chapter 19: Chess
Chapter 20: Battle of the Witch Lords
Chapter 21: Spells and Politics
Chapter 22: The Last Dragon
Chapter 23: Encounters and Expeditions
Chapter 24: Sembians
Chapter 25: Lies, Spies, and Assassins
Chapter 26: Death of Dhalmass
Chapter 27: Deals
Chapter 28: Dragons, Red and Purple
Chapter 29: Treachery
Chapter 30: Adventurers
Chapter 31: Loyalties
Chapter 32: Gondegal
Chapter 33: At The Brink
Ed Greenwood
Prologue: The Dragon’s Land
A Time Before the Years Were Named (-400 DR)
Thauglor, King of the Forest Country, turned in a low, banking dive. As the wind’s whistle became a tearing, humming drone, the treetops of the vale rose swiftly to meet him. He let out a deepthroated roar, and the small herd of forest buffalo bolted from their hiding place, stumbling and snorting in panic. Most of the shaggy beasts swerved to plunge back into the forest as Thauglor’s shadow passed over them.
Not good, thought Thauglor. The dragon banked again and cut across the path of the beasts that were still visible, bellowing a second time. The twenty or so animals that remained wheeled in a confusion of dust and churning hooves and headed in the opposite direction, back toward the clearing where Thauglor intended to meet them.
The great black dragon unfurled his wings and beat down powerfully, cutting the heavy summer air in long, steady strokes, seeking to catch the stampeding beasts just as they broke from the forest cover. For a fleeting moment, he could hear the splintering and thrashing of their frantic passage beneath him. Skimming the treetops, Thauglor had to curl the tips of his wings and swerve to dodge the tallest oaks and duskwoods as he rushed to bring death to the beasts below.
Thauglor the Black and the buffalo herd reached the clearing at the same instant.
The expected updraft at the edge of the trees lifted the great dragon slightly as the first of the shaggy brown forms broke free of the forest cover. Thauglor’s great shadow fell across them, the high summer sun shining through his thin wing membranes. The bawling herd tried to turn again, back to the cool protection of the trees, but by then it was too late.
The dragon roared a third time, a roar of triumph, and fell among the tightly packed, frightened animals. They were screaming and bolting in all directions now, but Thauglor swooped among them with ruthless precision.
His great scaled bulk bore down on one luckless beast, snapping the buffalo’s spine and smashing the hapless creature flat. Thauglor’s claws reached out to tear the bellies of another fleeing pair. Even as they shrieked and struggled, the dragon’s jaws closed on a fourth meal and tightened with a splintering of bone.