Five classic stories from Judith Kerr, the creator of the iconic The Tiger Who Came to Tea. Judith Kerr OBE is one of the most beloved creators of children's books in the world. This delightful treasury brings together five of her bestselling stories in one very special collection, including classics such as The Tiger Who Came to Tea and Mog the Forgetful Cat. Featuring: The Tiger Who Came to Tea Mog the Forgetful Cat One Night in the Zoo The Other Goose When Willy Went to the Wedding. Книг...
Five classic stories from Judith Kerr, the creator of the iconic The Tiger Who Came to Tea. Judith Kerr OBE is one of the most beloved creators of children's books in the world. This delightful treasury brings together five of her bestselling stories in one very special collection, including classics such as The Tiger Who Came to Tea and Mog the Forgetful Cat. Featuring: The Tiger Who Came to Tea Mog the Forgetful Cat One Night in the Zoo The Other Goose When Willy Went to the Wedding. Книга «The Judith Kerr Treasury» автора Джудит Керр оценена посетителями КнигоГид, и её читательский рейтинг составил 0.00 из 10.
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