Натали: искусство жить
Надя Бирру
© Надя Бирру, 2021
ISBN 978-5-0053-3666-8
Было без четверти семь.
Суббота, за которой начиналось воскресенье. Удивительное. Как и жизнь вообще.
Мы не умеем ценить время. Мы его почти не замечаем или не придаём ему должного значения, тогда как время – одно из основных измерений жизни. Удивительной жизни.
Об этом и вся история.Была суббота, вдали, на соборе, мощно звонил колокол, а в саду царила тишина… Пели птицы, шумел ветер, цвели розы. Розы этим летом цвели просто как сумасшедшие. Так не бывает! Но в жизни нередко бывает так, как не бывает
Instead of dairy… no English correction, difficult without Vladimir, I don‘t know all these things, how and what to do. Still have no internet at home, missing my friends. Thanks God don’t miss you anymore. Don’t even know how it happened and what does it really mean. Today wrote to you: «We lost connection, Adnan, so I don’t worry about anything anymore» and you immediately answered me: «right». So my desire to stop for a while or to stop completely comes true. Just we will see. I think there is going to be something…
That’s why I think we had all this time before, we were together, and we outlived many different events together. So now we will see. Or we lost our connection completely (and the thought doesn’t give me such pain as before), or it will continue in some new way, as I think and want to believe.
However I know: my silence, comfort and peace is not forever. I can enjoy it as long as you stay in peace. As soon as you start to worry, I’ll feel the same. And I think you know it as well. So we will see…
But thanks God for everything! This prayer yesterday in Dom cathedral helped me a lot! Oh, my Lord, my dear dear Lord, my the only true love, thank YOU!!!
Interesting when I lived in Tallinn I also wanted enjoy the same way of life in a big beautiful ancient city, but felt tired and sad. And now I feel myself as I wanted to feel that time…