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Автор Ferrarella Marie

So that was the great Dr. Harrison “Mac” MacKenzie,

the hospital hunk who was known far and wide throughout the county for his bedside manner. Jolene smiled to herself as she turned away. She could spot his type a mile away. He was a player.

In the next moment, the rear section of the emergency room was filled with another emergency.

“Kind of like when the Native Americans attacked the covered wagons in the old Westerns, isn’t it?” Dr. Mac said.

As the comment came from behind her, a shiver danced down Jolene’s neck and shoulders. Was he standing right on top of her? Jolene gave him a disparaging look before attending to a patient.

“Have I offended you somehow?” Mac asked.

“I don’t think this is the time to hit on me, Doctor,” Jolene told him crisply as she hurried away.

Mac was speechless. He’d been put in his place royally. Put in his place within a tiny, obscure box and had the lid slammed down on him. Tight.

His interest was seriously piqued….

Mac’s Bedside Manner

Marie Ferrarella

To Patience Smith,

Welcome aboard


earned a master’s degree in Shakespearean comedy, and, perhaps as a result, her writing is distinguished by humor and natural dialogue. This RITA® Award-winning author’s goal is to entertain and to make people laugh and feel good. She has written over one hundred books for Silhouette, some under the name Marie Nicole. Her romances are beloved by fans worldwide and have been translated into Spanish, Italian, German, Russian, Polish, Japanese and Korean.

What’s Happening to

Bachelor #1:

Lukas Graywolf + Lydia Wakefield = Together Forever


Bachelor #2:


Reese Bendenetti + London Merriweather = True Love


Bachelor #3:

Dr. Harrison MacKenzie + Nurse Jolene DeLuca = Matrimonial Bliss


Bachelor #4:

Dr. Terrance McCall + Dr. Alix Duncan =???

The fall of Dr. McCall will occur in Silhouette Intimate Moments, December 2002


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter One

There was no doubt about it, Harrison MacKenzie thought. He was one very lucky man.

Mac walked down the corridor past Blair Memorial’s MRI lab. He nodded at a hospital administrator he recognized by sight, though not by name. He knew he was one of the fortunate ones. He liked what he did for a living and he was good at it. Very good.

His skill wasn’t an overstated, overblown egotistical assessment of his capabilities; it was simply a given, a fact. He made sure of it. There was no excuse for seeking middle ground or being content with half measures. Mac didn’t believe in riding on yesterday’s accolades, of which there were more than a few. Yesterday’s accolades wouldn’t help today’s patient, or tomorrow’s.

And that was his business, his passion: Helping today’s patient.