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Автор Ferrarella Marie

“If I’m here past midnight, does that mean I have to stay for the next hundred years?” he joked.

Kayla was standing so close to him, Alain could feel the heat coming from her body. Could feel the urges being roused in his own.

All he had to do, he thought, was reach up and pull her down on to his lap.

And kiss her.

Kayla took a step back. Or tried to. It felt as if she was trying to walk with a layer of glue spread across the bottom of her shoes.

And then he did it. Hands bracketing her hips, Alain drew her on to his lap.

“You shouldn’t be doing this. ”

“It’s a kiss,” he whispered softly. “Just a kiss, nothing more. ”

Get off his lap, something inside her cried. Now. Before it’s too late.

But it was already too late.


This USA TODAY bestselling and RITA® Award-winning author has written more than one hundred and fifty novels, some under the name Marie Nicole. Her romances are beloved by fans worldwide.

Dear Reader,

Well, here we are, at the end of the road, reading about the fall of the last of Lily Moreau’s sons. Alain Dulac is the youngest of her offspring and just possibly the most confirmed bachelor. Tall, blond and blue-eyed, Alain can have any girl he wants and his diary is more than filled with lovely women – as deep as the pages in that book. After seeing how little luck his mother had when it came to finding a life-long partner, Alain is determined not to form any serious relationships.

Why bother? But fate has something different in mind for him when a driving rainstorm has him swerving into a tree to avoid hitting a dog. The dog belongs to Kayla McKenna, one of several she is caring for. She prises Alain out of his car and takes care of his wounds – both his physical and emotional ones. And soon Alain starts to think that maybe this bachelor life really isn’t for him after all.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this trilogy. As always, I thank you for reading and I wish you love. It makes everything else worthwhile.

Marie Ferrarella

Capturing the Millionaire



Debby, Amy, Maria


all the other wonderful volunteers at

the German Shepherd Rescue of Orange

County. Thank you for Audrey.

Chapter One

It wasn’t supposed to rain in October. Not in Southern California, anyway.

Alain Dulac was pretty sure it was a law written down somewhere, like the requirements for Camelot. As he tried to steer his sports car, a vehicle definitely not meant for this kind of weather, he found that his visibility was next to zero. Because, as the old song from the sixties went, it never rained in California—but it poured.

And that’s what it was doing now. Pouring. Pouring as if the entire Pacific Ocean had gotten absorbed into the black clouds that were hovering overhead and were now dumping their contents all over him. He would have been alert to the possibility of a flash flood—if he could see more than an inch or so in front of him. He wasn’t even sure where he was anymore. For all he knew, he could have gotten turned around and was headed back to Santa Barbara.