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Автор Ferrarella Marie

Something was happening to MacKenzie.

Feeling as if she were free-floating, she realized that her feet were off the ground. Quade had caught her so fast, so hard, he’d raised her off the ground.

Her face was inches from his.

His lips were inches from hers.

And something within her leaped out of nowhere, wanting to close the gap. Begging to close it.

Their eyes met and held as if some force was compelling them to look at one another, unable to look away, unable to look anywhere else.

She wanted him to kiss her.

He was no one to her and she no one to him, but she wanted him to kiss her. Right now, more than anything in the world, she wanted to feel desirable.

Wanted to feel something for someone…

She’s Having a Baby

Marie Ferrarella

To Charlie, because I still believe in magic, and you.


This RITA® Award-winning author has written over one hundred and forty books for Silhouette, some under the name Marie Nicole. Her romances are beloved by fans worldwide.



Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen



June 1, 1864

Amanda Deveaux closed her hand around the cameo. For three years now she’d worn it, never removing it from her neck. She’d promised to wear it until he returned to claim her for his wife. The cameo had become her own personal badge of courage. Embossed on the delicate Wedgwood blue oval was the profile of a young Greek woman, carved in ivory. Penelope, waiting for her Ulysses to come home to her.

Just as she was waiting for her Will to come home to her.

Will, who had asked her to wait for him. Will, who had promised to return, no matter how low the fortunes of this miserable, misbegotten war between the states laid him.

He’d sworn it and she’d believed him. She still believed. Because Lieutenant William Slattery had never lied to her.

They had known each other from childhood. Loved one another since childhood. Will had withstood her mother’s sly, cutting remarks and her father’s sharp, delving scrutiny because Will’s people were not as rich as hers. He’d put up with both parents because he’d loved her. He’d been her brother Jonathan’s best friend. Jonathan, who was gone now, one of the brave who had fallen at Chancelorsville.

At least they knew Jonathan’s fate. She didn’t know Will’s.

There’d been no word from Will since Gettysburg. Not since his name had been listed among those who were missing.

These days, her heart felt leaden within her breast. It was hard clinging to hope all this time, hard holding her breath as she looked down the long road leading back to her family’s plantation, now all but in ruins, waiting for him to ride up. Just as he’d promised he would.

“It’s a sin, wasting away like that over a man who was only two steps removed from white trash. ”